DANGLING VIDEO: Man showed his penis to girls on a train Roma Tuscolana station in Fiumicino

DANGLING VIDEO: Man showed his penis to girls on a train Roma Tuscolana station in Fiumicino

DANGLING VIDEO Man showed his penis to girls on a
DANGLING VIDEO: Man showed his penis to girls on a train Roma Tuscolana station in Fiumicino

The incident was documented by a 21-year-old Ukrainian woman who was traveling on the Fiumicino-Rome train . The man, apparently distinguished, stood out in front of her and began to harass her by showing her dick. After the initial embarrassment she began to film him.

“How dare you!” – she shouted in the hope of attracting someone’s attention. The girl then walked away and got off at the Roma Tuscolana station where she informed the train conductor of what had happened.

He unbuttoned his pants in front of a girl on the Fiumicino-Rome train and started ‘touching himself’. The episode also caught the attention of the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Matteo Salvini who shared the video released by Welcome to Favelas on his Instagram profile . “Unworthy and disgusting. Whether Italian or foreign, zero tolerance for molesters, rapists and pedophiles” – he wrote on the social network, relaunching the punishment of chemical castration for the most serious cases. “Then we’ll see if he gets the will back’

The latter tried to reassure the young woman by saying that he would alert the authorities. The 21-year-old did not stop there and shared the video without censoring the harasser’s face with Welcome to Favelas to alert other women who might encounter the man on public transport or elsewhere. It is not clear whether the man was identified by the police or not. The video has certainly caused indignation and anger with many users calling for exemplary measures against the harasser. READ MORE HERE


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