Donald Trump suggests ‘rough’ police would end retail theft

Photo of Jane Nelson

At a rally in Pennsylvania on Sunday, former President Donald Trump suggested “one rough hour” of law enforcement would deter retail theft.

Trump is falsely claiming crime is up in the U.S. under President Joe Biden, mostly due to migrant crime.

Trump then brought up seeing stores in New York City and San Francisco locking up their merchandise behind glass doors.

“See, we have to let the police do their job. And if they have to be extraordinarily rough –” Trump trailed off as his rally crowd cheered.

Trump went on to claim people are walking out of stores with items like air conditioning units and refrigerators.

“They’re told if you do anything, you’re going to lose your pension.”

“You’re going to lose your family, your house, your car. The police want to do it.”

“The Border Patrol wants to do it. … They’re not allowed to do it because the liberal left won’t let ’em do it,” he said on stage.

“You know, if you had one day, like, one real rough, nasty day with the drugstores as an example, where when they start walking out with–” Trump continued before pivoting to retail crime in San Francisco.

He falsely claims his opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, is responsible for reclassifying felony theft under $950 as misdemeanors. The proposition is approved by California voters.

Trump, who said he recently had a tenant end a lease due to retail theft, said things are “so bad.”

“One rough hour — and I mean real rough — the word will get out, and it will end immediately, end immediately. You know, it will end immediately,” he said.

What Other Media Are Saying
  • USA Today emphasised the shocking nature of Trump’s proposal to shoot shoplifters, framing it as a radical shift in law enforcement rhetoric. They highlighted the applause he received, illustrating the controversial reception among his supporters. (Read more)
  • NBC News focused on Trump’s assertion that a “violent” crackdown could restore order, noting his claims about liberal policies hampering police effectiveness. They underscore the political implications of his remarks in the context of upcoming elections. (Read more)
  • HuffPost is drawing parallels between Trump’s proposal and the fictional “Purge” films, underscoring the frightening implications of endorsing violence as a solution to crime. (Read more)
Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions asked about this news

What did Trump suggest to stop retail theft during his Pennsylvania rally?

Trump suggested that “one rough hour” of aggressive law enforcement could immediately stop retail theft by sending a strong message to potential offenders.

Did Trump provide evidence to support his claim that crime is up under President Biden?

No, Trump did not provide evidence. His claim crime has increased due to migrant-related issues is inaccurate.

What did Trump falsely claim about Kamala Harris and retail theft?

Trump falsely claimed that Kamala Harris was responsible for reclassifying felony theft as misdemeanors for items under $950, which was actually a decision by California voters through Proposition 47.

What example did Trump use to highlight the issue of retail theft?

Trump mentions people walking out of stores with large items like air conditioning units and refrigerators.

Why does Trump believe police are not doing enough to stop retail crime?

Trump claimed that liberal policies prevent police from acting forcefully, fearing loss of pensions, jobs, and homes if they take strong action.


