Naomi Campbell banned as trustee after charity inquiry

Photo of Lilly Larkin

Naomi Campbell, 54, tearfully declared she had no control over her charity after being banned as a trustee due to an inquiry into the organisation’s financial practices.

Campbell addressed reporters in Paris, following the Charity Commission’s findings that from 2016 to 2022, Fashion For Relief raised £4.8 million but only allocated £389,000 to charitable causes. Details revealed today showed the charity spent £12,000 on a flight to Nice to transport art and jewellery and £7,800 on a luxury hotel stay for Campbell.

Speaking before receiving France’s highest cultural award, Campbell expressed her deep concern, emphasising, “I was not in control of my charity.” She was disqualified as a trustee for five years after the inquiry discovered that just 8.5% of the charity’s expenditure went towards charitable grants. The commission cited misconduct and mismanagement by the trustees.

Campbell explained she had only learned of her disqualification today and mentioned that she had entrusted the charity’s control to a lawyer. She stated, “We are investigating on our side, as I was not in control of my charity. I put the control in the hands of a legal lawyer.”

During the award ceremony, Campbell, in a black and white Chanel dress, accepted the Chevalier de l’Ordres des Arts et des Lettres from French Culture Minister Rachida Dati, wiping away tears and expressing gratitude.

The Charity Commission’s inquiry also scrutinised a £7,800 expenditure on a three-night stay at a five-star hotel in Cannes, which included £6,000 on spa treatments, room service, and cigarettes for Campbell. As a result of the investigation, over £344,000 was recovered and allocated to other charities and to cover Fashion For Relief’s liabilities.

Following previous reports, it was revealed that the charity had spent over £1.6 million on a gala in Cannes, but only £5,000 went to charitable causes over 15 months. The Charity Commission confirmed in April the removal of the supermodel’s charity from the UK charity register during the ongoing investigation.

The Commission’s report concluded that Fashion For Relief was poorly governed with inadequate financial management. Campbell was barred from trusteeship for five years, with former colleagues Bianka Hellmich and Veronica Chou disqualified for nine and four years respectively.

Founded in 2005, inspired by Nelson Mandela, the charity claimed to have raised over £11 million through global fundraising events. Campbell often headlined these events, dressed in designer gowns, and was honoured by the British Fashion Council in 2019 for her contributions to the fashion industry.

Concerns arose in 2021 about the charity’s financial practices after the Mayor’s Fund for London lodged a complaint, stating it was owed £50,000. This led to the Charity Commission launching a statutory inquiry in November 2021.

The inquiry found trustees had failed to justify expenditures as cost-effective or appropriate, and there was no evidence they had reviewed the charity’s operating model. The commission also identified unreasonable fundraising expenses and unauthorised payments totalling £290,000 to trustee Ms Hellmich.

Funds were managed by external advisors rather than being held in a dedicated account for Fashion For Relief. Tim Hopkins, the Charity Commission’s deputy director for specialist investigations, stated, “Trustees are legally required to make decisions in their charity’s best interests. Our inquiry found they failed to do so, leading to their disqualification.”

The trustees included Campbell, her aide Veronica Chou, and lawyer Bianka Hellmich. Chou resigned shortly after the investigation began in 2021.

A spokesman for the charity noted in April that the decision to wind up Fashion For Relief was made by the trustees three years ago and was not a forced closure. The charity continues to operate and fundraise in America.

What Other Media Are Saying
  • NY Post reports Naomi Campbell banned from charity trustee role due to financial misconduct involving unapproved expenditures on hotel rooms and cigarettes, highlighting accountability in charitable trusts.(read more)
  • Global News reports on Naomi Campbell’s five-year ban from charity trustee roles due to financial misconduct at Fashion for Relief, with inadequate financial oversight and misuse of funds highlighted.(read more)
  • The Guardian reports Naomi Campbell banned for five years from charity trustee role over financial misconduct, including lavish spending and unauthorized payments to fellow trustees.(read more)
Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions asked about this news

Why was Naomi Campbell banned as a trustee?

Campbell was banned due to poor governance and financial mismanagement in her charity, Fashion For Relief.

How much money did Fashion For Relief raise and donate?

Fashion For Relief raised £4.8 million but donated only £389,000 to good causes.

What were some of the questionable expenses by Fashion For Relief?

The charity spent £12,000 on a flight to Nice and £7,800 on a luxury hotel stay for Campbell.

What actions did the Charity Commission take regarding Fashion For Relief?

The Charity Commission disqualified Campbell and other trustees, and recovered £344,000 for donations and liabilities.

What prompted the investigation into Fashion For Relief?

An official complaint by the Mayor’s Fund for London in 2021 about unpaid funds led to the investigation.


