Biden says China ‘testing’ QUAD resolve at summit

Biden says China ‘testing’ QUAD resolve at summit

US President Joe Biden was overheard on a hot mic during the QUAD summit, remarking that China was ‘testing’ the grouping’s resolve. This occurred while reporters were exiting the summit venue.

Biden commented that China’s aggressive behaviour spans various fronts, including economic and technological issues, requiring intense diplomacy amidst competition.

While speaking to the other leaders present, Biden was overheard saying “We believe Xi Jinping is looking to focus on domestic economic challenges and minimise the turbulence in China … [Xi Jinping is] looking to buy himself some diplomatic space, in my view, to aggressively pursue China’s interest.”

Biden believes that China continues to “behave aggressively, testing us all across the region on several fronts, including on economic and technology issues”.

The QUAD summit, held on Saturday, featured Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

A senior US official attempted to downplay Biden’s remarks, stating that they were consistent with previous US positions. He emphasised that the US’s internal and external communications align closely.

The official clarified that the QUAD’s focus was broader than just China, highlighting that the Indo-Pacific partnership covers numerous topics, though China remains a significant player in the region. He stressed that discussing China was natural given the context of the summit.

In a subtle reference to China’s military actions in the South China Sea, QUAD nations reaffirmed their commitment to a “free and open” Indo-Pacific. China’s territorial disputes in the South and East China Seas involve claims against Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, Brunei, and Taiwan, under the “nine-dash-line” theory.

Beijing had previously labelled the QUAD as an Asian version of NATO, suggesting its primary goal is to contain China’s rise in Asia.

What Other Media Are Saying
  • Economic Times reports that Joe Biden was caught on a hot mic at the Quad Leaders’ Summit, discussing China’s aggressive behaviour and economic challenges, highlighting tensions in the Indo-Pacific region. (Read more)
  • The Guardian reports that President Joe Biden expressed concerns about China’s aggressive behavior, saying it ‘continues to act provocatively’ and ‘test’ the US and its allies in the Indo-Pacific region. (Read more)
  • DW reports that President Biden told Quad allies China is testing the region with aggressive tactics, highlighting ongoing tensions in multiple regions, including the South China Sea and Taiwan Straits. (Read more)
Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions asked about this news

What did Biden say about China at the QUAD summit?

Biden said China is ‘testing’ the QUAD nations and behaving aggressively.

Who attended the QUAD summit?

The summit was attended by leaders of the US, India, Japan, and Australia.

What were Biden’s remarks on Chinese President Xi Jinping?

Biden said Xi Jinping is looking to buy diplomatic space to aggressively pursue China’s interests.

What is the QUAD’s stance on the Indo-Pacific region?

The QUAD nations are committed to maintaining a ‘free and open’ Indo-Pacific region.

Did the QUAD summit focus only on China?

No, the QUAD summit discussed various topics, although China was a significant part of the agenda.


