French woman testifies against ex-husband in shocking rape trial

French woman testifies against ex-husband in shocking rape trial

Gisele Pelicot, the former wife of a French man accused of orchestrating her rape by strangers while she was drugged, testified in court on Wednesday. She expressed deep humiliation over some defence lawyers’ portrayal of her during the trial. Pelicot criticised the defence for suggesting she was complicit in the abuse.

“I have felt humiliated since stepping into this courtroom,” Pelicot said. Her former husband, Dominique Pelicot, and 50 other men face rape charges. She added, “I’m being called an alcoholic and someone who becomes Mr. Pelicot’s accomplice when intoxicated.”

Dominique Pelicot, 71, admitted to drugging his then-wife with sedatives, rendering her unconscious so that he and others could rape her. “I was in a comatose state, and the videos will prove this,” she stated. “I never, even for a single second, gave my consent to Mr. Pelicot or those other men.”

Defence attorney Paul-Roger Gontard controversially remarked, “there’s rape and there’s rape,” suggesting some defendants believed they were part of a consensual sex game. Gisele Pelicot firmly responded, “No, there are no different types of rape. Rape is rape.” Gontard later apologised, saying he intended to differentiate between legal and “media” definitions of rape.

Dominique Pelicot appeared in court with a cane and spoke through a microphone. He admitted to his actions and asked for forgiveness from his family. “I am a rapist,” he said, visibly emotional. “I ask my wife, my children, my grandchildren to accept my apologies. I regret what I did. I ask for your forgiveness, even if it is not forgivable.”

The trial has become one of France’s most shocking criminal cases, sparking nationwide protests in support of Gisele Pelicot. She has emerged as a symbol of the fight against sexual violence in France.

Pelicot claimed a traumatic childhood, stating he had been a victim of rape. He admitted wanting his wife to engage in partner-swapping, and when she refused, his childhood trauma contributed to his abusive behaviour. “It became a perversion, an addiction,” he said. He also admitted filming the rapes as an “insurance policy” and claimed he had been blackmailed.

Gisele Pelicot, now 71 and divorced, has become a feminist icon after demanding the trial be public to raise awareness about drug-facilitated sexual abuse. During her testimony, she wore sunglasses and received applause from spectators during breaks. “For 50 years, I lived with a man who I would never have imagined was capable of these acts,” she said. She filed for divorce after investigators contacted her about the case.

Prosecutors revealed Dominique Pelicot used a now-defunct website called Coco to recruit men to rape his drugged wife. Pelicot explained how he communicated with potential recruits online, telling them he sought someone to abuse his sleeping, drugged wife. “When they came, they already knew everything,” he said. He stated he did not force or manipulate the men into participating.

One of the accused men was HIV-positive but had lied about his health status. Pelicot expressed concern for his wife’s health after learning about this. “Some came with condoms, others without,” he said. “I let them do it … What I did was completely stupid.”

In total, 72 men participated in the abuse of Gisele Pelicot, according to her ex-husband. Fifty of those men, aged 26 to 74, now face rape charges in the trial held in Avignon. Investigators found over 300 photographs and videos documenting the assaults. A court document revealed one folder Pelicot kept was labelled “Abuse.”

Gisele Pelicot told investigators she experienced memory lapses and sought medical help for unexplained pain, unaware of the full extent of the abuse. While some defendants admitted guilt, others claimed they believed they were part of a consensual act. The trial, which began in September, is expected to continue through December. If convicted, the defendants face up to 20 years in prison. “I want to prove that my wife was a victim and not an accomplice,” Dominique Pelicot said. “This was completely without her knowledge.”

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions asked about this news

Who is Gisele Pelicot?

Gisele Pelicot is a French woman who was drugged and raped by dozens of men, orchestrated by her ex-husband.

What did Dominique Pelicot admit to in court?

Dominique Pelicot admitted to drugging his wife and orchestrating her rape by numerous strangers.

How did Gisele Pelicot respond to the defense’s portrayal of her?

Gisele Pelicot expressed deep humiliation and criticized the defense for suggesting she was complicit in the abuse.

What was Dominique Pelicot’s justification for his actions?

Dominique Pelicot claimed his traumatic childhood and desire for partner-swapping led to his abusive behavior.

What is the legal outcome for the men involved in the abuse?

If convicted, the 50 men facing charges of rape could receive up to 20 years in prison.


