SAD mapped: where in Britain you’re most at risk of seasonal depression this winter

    Regions with fewer hours of sunlight in winter, such as Scotland and Wales, report higher levels of SAD-related symptoms, according to ONS and Met Office data compiled by laboratory testing company York Test

    Longer nights, gloomy skies and less sunshine are very much possible here in the UK and for many this can lead to low mood, drowsiness and cravings for comfort food.

    Although many of us feel a bit more depressed in the colder months, for some people these feelings can be particularly acute and are a sign of a condition known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

    SADNESS. Also known as ‘winter blues’ or ‘winter depression’, it is thought to affect up to a third of British adults.

    Although the condition is still not fully understood by scientists, it is believed to be caused by an imbalance in serotonin levels and that disruptions to the body clock contribute to this.

    Not surprisingly, regions with fewer hours of sunlight in winter, such as Scotland and Wales, report higher levels of SAD-related symptoms.

    But London, a city that gets significantly more hours of sunshine than most northern climates, was found to be one of the worst locations in England for developing symptoms associated with the condition.

    Regions with fewer hours of sunlight in winter, such as Scotland and Wales, report higher levels of SAD-related symptoms, according to ONS and Met Office data compiled by laboratory testing company York Test

    Regions with fewer hours of sunlight in winter, such as Scotland and Wales, report higher levels of SAD-related symptoms, according to ONS and Met Office data compiled by laboratory testing company York Test

    The findings, by laboratory testing company York Test, saw researchers examine data from the Met Office to determine the average number of hours of sunlight per UK region during the winter months.

    They then combined this with data from the Office for National Statistics which tracked levels of mental wellbeing in these surveys regions using a 35-point scale, as well as separate questionnaires and surveys that track specific issues such as depression and anxiety.

    When this data was combined, the team found that Scotland and North and South Wales were the most susceptible to SAD.

    The fourth most sensitive was London, followed by the South West of England, which ranked fifth.

    Experts say London ranks so high because of its increased anxiety levels, which stand at 64.4 percent – ​​the highest of any region – making it a more stressful place to live overall.


    Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also known as ‘winter blues’ or ‘winter depression’, is estimated to affect a third of British adults.

    It is a form of depression that comes and goes in a seasonal pattern.

    However, some people with SAD may have symptoms in the summer and feel better in the winter.

    Symptoms of SAD may include:

    • A persistently depressed mood
    • A loss of pleasure or interest in normal daily activities
    • Irritability
    • Feelings of despair, guilt and worthlessness
    • Feeling lethargic (lack of energy) and sleepy during the day
    • Sleeping longer than usual and finding it difficult to get up in the morning
    • Carbohydrate cravings and weight gain
    • Difficulty concentrating
    • Decreased sex drive

    Source: NHS

    This is despite the fact that residents of the capital enjoy an average of 62 hours of sunshine per month in winter. That’s 21 hours more sunshine than Scotland.

    In contrast, the least researched places prone to SAD were the east and south-east of England.

    The area with the lowest overall mental wellbeing score was the North East, at 24.84 per cent, compared to the East, which had a score of 25.5 per cent.

    Psychologist and SAD patient Dr. Pam Spurr spoke on the BBC Radio London about the condition, describing it as a ‘rough ride’ for many people.

    She explained that the condition is caused by a biological imbalance of melatonin – a hormone that helps regulate the body’s sleep-wake cycles – causing the symptoms of SAD, including fatigue, lethargy and low mood.

    “Sunlight naturally turns off production (of melatonin), so if you have less sunlight in the fall and winter, patients’ melatonin production is not reduced,” she said on the radio program last fall.

    She added that many patients also suffer from low levels of serotonin – the brain chemical that can make you happy.

    But she explained that cities like London can worsen symptoms of SAD, such as anxiety and depression.

    “I think it gets worse when you’re experiencing something like SAD and you’re in a bustling city and you just feel isolated because you feel like you don’t have the energy to go there.” You just feel like you want to sit down and eat comfort food, which is another characteristic of it,” Dr. Spurr said.

    Although the full mechanics of SAD are still not fully understood by scientists, the NHS explains that the lack of sunlight compared to summer can disrupt the body’s internal clock, leading to its symptoms.

    The NHS explains that the lack of sunlight can disrupt the body's internal clock, leading to symptoms of SAD

    The NHS explains that the lack of sunlight can disrupt the body's internal clock, leading to symptoms of SAD

    The NHS explains that the lack of sunlight can disrupt the body’s internal clock, leading to symptoms of SAD

    For example, the body uses sunlight exposure for timing functions such as waking up, so lower light levels in the morning cause the body’s internal rhythm to conflict with your alarm clock.

    This is despite the fact that you wake up at the same time as in the summer.

    Treatment for SAD includes lifestyle measures such as making sure you get natural sunlight, exercise, and managing stress levels. The NHS also suggests using a light box – a very bright lamp that mimics outside light – and even taking antidepressants and counselling.

    Dr. Jon Van Niekerk, chair of the adult general faculty at the Royal College of Psychiatrists, said SAD was a well-observed problem in the autumn and winter.

    “There are several things people can do to feel better if they suspect they have SAD,” he said.

    ‘This includes taking a walk during the day, exercising regularly and talking to friends and family about how they are feeling.

    ‘There is a significant difference between feeling down and suffering from a mental illness such as depression. Anyone who thinks they need professional help should contact their GP.’


