China marks 75 years of Communist rule amid economic challenges

Photo of Matthew Coles

China is observing 75 years of Communist Party rule amidst ongoing economic and security challenges. The only planned event on Tuesday is a flag-raising ceremony at Tiananmen Square. Historically, China has showcased military parades and economic achievements on significant anniversaries, such as the 60th and 70th.

The world’s second-largest economy is struggling to recover post-COVID-19. A prolonged downturn in the property market has affected other sectors, including construction and home appliance sales. Recently, China implemented measures to stimulate the economy, such as reducing interest rates and lowering mortgage down payment requirements.

Xi Jinping, the Party leader and head of state, has limited his international travel since the pandemic began. Domestically, he continues to purge officials deemed disloyal or corrupt. During a banquet on the eve of the anniversary, Xi cautioned about potential challenges ahead, emphasizing the need for vigilance and unity. He assured that no obstacles could halt the progress of the Chinese people.

This anniversary coincides with rising tensions between China and its neighbours, including Japan, South Korea, and the Philippines, over territorial disputes and their alliances with the United States. The Communist Party, led by Mao Zedong, gained power in 1949 after a civil war with the Nationalists, who relocated to Taiwan. Beijing insists Taiwan must be brought under its control, by force if necessary, while the U.S. supplies arms to Taiwan for its defence.

China is also embroiled in disputes over the South China Sea and uninhabited islands claimed by several neighbouring nations. Its military expansion, including a recent launch of a nuclear-capable ballistic missile into the Pacific Ocean, has heightened fears of potential conflict.

Domestically, Xi has solidified his rule by abolishing term limits and extending his control over the government and the Communist Party. China does not permit competitive elections, and the Party maintains strict control over the media, influencing its 1.4 billion citizens.

What Other Media Are Saying
  • The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is the sole ruling party of the People’s Republic of China, founded in 1921, with a history marked by significant campaigns and ideological shifts under Mao Zedong and subsequent leaders.(read more)
  • Britannica provides an overview of the Chinese Communist Party, highlighting its founding, early struggles, and eventual rise to power under Mao Zedong, emphasizing rural-based operations and ideological shifts.(read more)
  • AP News highlights China’s 75th Communist Party rule anniversary amidst economic challenges and security risks, emphasizing ongoing disputes and military expansion in the South China Sea.(read more)
Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions asked about this news

What anniversary is China marking this year?

China is marking the 75th year of Communist Party rule.

Are there any major celebrations planned for the 75th anniversary?

No major festivities have been announced, only a flag-raising ceremony at Tiananmen Square.

What economic challenges is China currently facing?

China is struggling with a prolonged property slump and its spillover effects on construction and home appliance sales.

What measures has China announced to boost the economy?

China announced measures like lower interest rates and smaller down payment requirements for mortgages.

What is the current status of Xi Jinping’s leadership?

Xi Jinping has effectively made himself leader for life by ending term limits and extending his power.


