Brazilian officer arrests father’s killer after 24 years

Photo of Matthew Coles

A police officer who dedicated years to tracking down her father’s killer had a chilling message when she finally arrested him. Gislayne Silva de Deus was nine when her father, Givaldo José Vicente de Deus, was murdered by Raimundo Gomes in 1999 over a $66 debt. Gomes shot Givaldo in the head and fled.

Following their father’s death, Gislayne and her siblings were left orphaned. Warrants for Gomes’ arrest were issued, but justice was delayed. Determined to find her father’s killer, Gislayne pursued a career in law and later joined the police force. She requested a position in the homicide division and successfully arrested Gomes last month.

The 60-year-old had been hiding in Nova Cidade neighbourhood, Boa Vista, Brazil. Upon arresting him, Gislayne told Gomes, “It’s because of me that you are here.” She added he would ‘pay’ for his crimes.

Gomes had been sentenced to 12 years in prison by the Jury Court of the Court of Justice of Roraima while still a fugitive. An arrest warrant wasn’t issued until 2016.

After the arrest, Gislayne expressed relief, saying, “With his arrest, I cleansed my soul and that of my entire family. It was the end of a cycle. Today we have peace and the feeling that justice was served.” She also shared her emotional reaction, stating, “When I saw the man who was responsible for my dad’s death was finally in handcuffs, I couldn’t hold back the tears. It was an explosion of feelings that turned into tears of relief, as it seemed like this day would never come.”

She remembered her late father as ‘a loving and hard-working man’. For those experiencing bereavement, The Compassionate Friends can be reached in confidence at (877) 969-0010.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions asked about this news

Who was Gislayne Silva de Deus?

Gislayne Silva de Deus is a police officer who tracked down her father’s killer.

Why did Gislayne dedicate her life to the police force?

Gislayne dedicated her life to the police force to bring her father’s murderer to justice.

What was Gislayne’s message to her father’s killer when she arrested him?

Gislayne told him, ‘It’s because of me that you are here.’

How long was Raimundo Gomes sentenced to prison?

Raimundo Gomes was sentenced to 12 years in prison.

How did Gislayne feel after arresting her father’s killer?

Gislayne felt an ‘explosion of feelings’ and relief, believing justice was served.


