There is a serious ‘pretty person’ gripping the world right now – here’s how to avoid ruining your looks before it’s too late

    Dr. Sam Ellis, a dermatologist from California, has said that as people get older, they tend to overdo it with cosmetic procedures to regain their former perfection, but end up looking “weird.”

    If you’re a beautiful woman, you’re more likely to fall into a certain “cosmetic trap,” according to a leading skin specialist.

    Doctor Sam Ellis, a US dermatologist has warned women about a mistake she often sees in her practice among people in their late 30s and early 40s.

    “I call this the ‘beautiful people problem,’ and I will say this to my patients’ faces,” Dr. Ellis said in a video.

    ‘In women who… on a scale of one to ten of attractiveness… are an eight to ten their entire lives, and who are getting into their late thirties and early forties and are starting to see the first signs of aging,

    ‘It could be that the skin under their eyes is wrinkled or their skin is a little dull, something subtle that makes them think, “I’m going to have to do a bunch of cosmetic procedures to fix all of this.”‘

    According to Dr Ellis, the problem is that they don’t need the procedures in the first place, but undergo them because they have always been ‘used to so much heat’.

    “When they see even the slightest decrease in the volume of their lips or the slightest wrinkle, they feel like they have to go all out with every cosmetic procedure,” the skin expert said.

    ‘I call this a trap because these are the people who get too much Botox, fill their faces with fillers and end up looking weird, when they used to be so damn attractive.

    Dr. Sam Ellis, a California dermatologist, has said that as people get older, they tend to overdo it with cosmetic procedures to regain their former perfection, but end up looking “weird.”

    ‘If you are watching this and you have always been considered attractive by society, don’t be modest. You know who you are, you really have to be careful with cosmetic treatments.’

    The medical expert said that beautiful women should no longer obsess over achieving a “ten” score and instead accept their imperfections.

    “Little asymmetries, little signs of aging… they make you look like yourself and normal. It’s so much better to look older than to look weird,” the dermatologist said.

    Thousands of women welcomed the expert’s advice and said it was a timely warning.

    “I needed to hear this,” someone said.

    “You are 100 percent right, it is something we are not allowed to talk about,” added another.

    Many women agreed that they were experiencing increasing problems as they aged, especially if they had been attractive at a younger age.

    “It’s a mental f*** when everyone has talked positively about your appearance your whole life and then you hit 40 and it all goes downhill, you almost forget that you’re worth more than just your face,” one person said.

    “It hurts when you become invisible,” agreed another.

    “Losing my beautiful privilege was hard for me. I’m 52 now, things are a little better. The good thing is I never did anything cosmetic,” added a third.

    Some felt that no amount of caution would stop them from undergoing cosmetic surgery in middle age.

    “I’m definitely going to have a facelift when I’m 45,” someone said.

    “I’m 62 and it’s been so hard. I’m not 10 but I looked good when I was younger! If I could afford it I would have every surgery in the book,” added another.

    Other women, however, said they noticed their appearance had actually improved as they got older. Still others were glad they had never been so attractive.

    “Luckily, I’ve always been a solid four,” someone said.


