How CISOs are adapting after the biggest IT outage

    How CISOs are adapting after the biggest IT outage

    As the dust settles after the outage that affected approximately eight million computers running CrowdStrike Falcon software for Windows, one of the long-lasting effects will be a new level of scrutiny over the risks each piece of software poses to an organization’s operations. Together, IT and security leaders are tasked with helping leadership understand how to elevate risk management to a business priority, and the CrowdStrike outage has shone a spotlight on just how impactful that area can be.

    When we look at the role CISOs will play in this, it will be to assess how cybersecurity fits into their business continuity plans and to demonstrate to their boards and executives what plans are in place for their own organization should something like this happen again. CISOs can help guide these conversations by focusing on the key areas that are likely to be impacted by leadership: availability, consolidation, and automatic updates.

    Ken Deitz

    Availability is still fundamental to cybersecurity


