Majority in UK wants new tax on makers of ultra-processed, unhealthy food

    Majority in UK wants new tax on makers of ultra-processed, unhealthy food

    Polls show that a majority of Britons want new taxes to be levied on companies that produce junk food or ultra-processed foods in a bid to tackle the obesity crisis.

    The findings prompted calls for ministers to help people eat healthier by imposing a sugar tax on sweets, cereals, pizza and other products containing too much salt or sugar.

    A survey by Ipsos for the Health Foundation think tank found that 58% of respondents supported a tax on organisations that produce food high in sugar or salt. Some of the proceeds should be used to buy fresh fruit and vegetables for poor families.

    Ipsos research found that a smaller but still majority (53%) of the population supports imposing a tax on companies that produce ultra-processed foods such as ham, biscuits and mass-produced bread. Some of the revenue should be used to help low-income households eat better.

    As for taxing junk food producers, only 19% of the representative sample of 2,136 British adults were against the idea, with 20% saying they didn’t know. A larger number (24%) were against taxing ultra-processed food producers, with 21% not knowing.

    Responding to the 58% support for taxes on makers of sugary and salty products, Adam Briggs, senior policy officer and public health expert at the Health Foundation, said: “The new government should be encouraged by polling like this and understand that this (idea) is something that has broad support and is likely to deliver important health benefits. The public are essentially saying: it’s time for tough action.”

    Labour’s manifesto promises on obesity – banning junk food advertising to children before the 9pm TV slot and the sale of energy drinks to under-16s – were not enough given the enormous damage being done by the obesity epidemic, Briggs said.

    Obesity is costs for the UK an estimated £98 billion a year, including a £6.5 billion bill for the NHS to treat diseases linked to obesity, such as heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes and joint problems.

    According to Briggs, a sugar tax should initially be levied on sweets, cakes and biscuits, sugary breakfast cereals, sweetened yoghurts and crisps, but should later be extended to include ready-made meals and pizzas, the latter two because of their high salt content.

    The soft drinks tax, introduced by the Conservatives in 2018, has shown that taxing unhealthy products encourages many companies to change their product formulations in order to avoid paying the tax and benefit public health.

    Support for raising taxes on ultra-processed food producers reflects growing public concern about their impact on health, including increased risk of heart problems, cancer and poor mental health.

    Prof Carlos Monteiro, the scientist who first coined the term ultra-processed foods, recently proposed that they should carry tobacco warnings and be taxed because of the danger they pose.

    According to Dr. Chris van Tulleken, author of the book Ultra-Processed People, it is better to tax individual products rather than the entire food category.

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    “The companies that make UPF (ultra-processed food) are privatizing the benefits and externalizing all these costs, so whether we like it or not, we will have to pay the bill. Taxing the companies that are causing the problem is fair and necessary, as long as it is done with great care not to increase health inequalities,” he said.

    “A general tax on UPF would be wrong and harmful. We can regulate individual products much more effectively.”

    In response to Ipsos’ findings, the Food and Drink Federation, which represents most food manufacturers, said companies should be allowed to develop healthier products – for example by removing salt, sugar and calories and adding fibre, fruit and vegetables – rather than having to pay tax.

    “Manufacturers are committed to continuing to work with government to tackle obesity and poor diets. How we do this depends on us collectively ensuring companies invest in making food healthier,” a spokesperson said.

    “Instead of taxes, we believe that supporting companies of all sizes to innovate in healthier products would deliver more and better value for money.”

    A Department of Health and Social Care spokesperson said: “Prevention is better than cure. That is why this government will make it our mission to shift the focus of health care from simply treating ill health to preventing it.”


