UFO hunters claim to be in possession of debris from alien space craft that is lighter than a petal

    MUFON researcher Bob Spearing claims the material does not meet what is known in tests

    UFO researchers claim to be in possession of unidentified material which tests have shown to be of ‘non-human’ origin.

    Tiny pieces of the sample, which is lighter than a flower petal and golden in color, were shown for the first time this week at a conference in Irving, Texas.

    MUFON, the UFO group that has the material, says the sample was tested using NASA technology and found to be 90 percent unidentifiable.

    That means it’s either not a metal, or it’s a completely unknown metal that’s different from any other in the periodic table, the researchers say.

    Due to its unique light and porous texture, MUFON has suggested that the sample resembles “spaceship debris,” with the Russian researcher who obtained the sample claiming it could be the remains of a crashed UFO.

    However, independent UFO experts have their doubts about the find. According to them, this is just the latest in a long line of monsters that ‘could be of extraterrestrial origin’, but which subsequently turn out not to be.

    MUFON researcher Bob Spearing claims the material does not meet what is known in tests

    MUFON researcher Bob Spearing claims the material does not meet what is known in tests

    Researchers showed off small pieces of the material during a presentation at the MUFON International Symposium.

    The group claims that additional samples were stolen from an official US post office box address after the Russian finder of the sample attempted to mail them to MUFON in the US.

    “This is typical of evidence of this nature,” said Ron James, Director of Media Relations at MUFON.

    “We believe this material was deliberately taken by someone who was able to hack into a locked mailbox to prevent further testing.”

    “Who did it is still the question,” James said.

    MUFON researcher Bob Spearing told symposium attendees that he had been approached by a Russian researcher named Arkady, who said he had tested the material in Russian geological labs using an X-ray fluorescence gun.

    The wearable technology, which is similar to the hardware on NASA’s Mars Perseverance rover, found that 90 percent of the material was unidentifiable, Spearing said.

    “It’s a very, very light material,” Spearing told the audience. “It almost looks porous, like it has pores. There’s a hint of gold in it, but it’s actually a black material. It looks like a composite.”

    “It is so light,” he added, “that it won’t bend even a flower.”

    The 'metal' is so light that it doesn't even bend a flower

    The 'metal' is so light that it doesn't even bend a flower

    The ‘metal’ is so light that it doesn’t even bend a flower

    A small sample of the metal

    A small sample of the metal

    A small sample of the metal

    Arkady, the Russian researcher who provided the sample, claimed the material “appeared” in his home after a non-human being told him it came from a crashed UFO.

    Russian labs later discovered that the mysterious material was 10 percent calcium, titanium, iron, arsenic and copper, Spearing said.

    This is a promising, but not conclusive finding given the variable reliability of such portable X-ray fluorescence (hXRF) devices in identifying the chemical composition of test samples.

    Geologists seeking to identify the chemical composition of rock formations in the field, environmental regulators needing to assess contamination in soil samples, and even pawn shops testing jewelry have all turned to X-ray fluorescence guns in recent years.

    The devices are fast, portable and provide a non-invasive method for investigating the composition of a material without destroying the material.

    But researchers also regularly report the limitations of the technology.

    For example, a group of environmental scientists in Arizona reported last year that their portable X-ray fluorescence tests could not accurately identify the chromium metal contentbecause the high iron content drowns out the chromium signal.

    And NASA scientists helping prepare for the 2020 Mars Perseverance rover mission found that their own X-ray fluorescence guns couldn’t “reliably” detect some key elements.

    ‘Although this limits the use of hXRF, especially compared to laboratory XRF techniques,’ NASA researchers reported‘hXRF can still provide the field user with significantly better contextual insight into a field location.’

    Spearing told the symposium that some of Arkady’s 90 percent unidentified material was also sent to MUFON’s lab in Missouri. Another X-ray fluorescence test showed that the sample did not match any known metals.

    “That means it’s either A) not a metal, or B) a metal alloy that’s not recognized, or something that’s on the periodic table,” Spearing said.

    “The signal was unique because they looked at the standard peaks for most known metals and nothing matched them exactly,” he continued.

    “Only in appearance. It appears to be some kind of lightweight insulation material suitable for conductive insulation or something that needs heat protection, which would be consistent with a piece of debris from some kind of craft,” he concluded.

    Geologists looking to identify the chemistry of rock formations in the field, environmental regulators tasked with assessing contamination in soil samples, and even NASA scientists have turned to X-ray fluorescence guns (above). But the field-testing technology has limitations

    Geologists looking to identify the chemistry of rock formations in the field, environmental regulators tasked with assessing contamination in soil samples, and even NASA scientists have turned to X-ray fluorescence guns (above). But the field-testing technology has limitations

    Geologists looking to identify the chemistry of rock formations in the field, environmental regulators tasked with assessing contamination in soil samples, and even NASA scientists have turned to X-ray fluorescence guns (above). But the field-testing technology has limitations

    Russian tests showed the material was 90% 'unknown' (MUFON)

    Russian tests showed the material was 90% 'unknown' (MUFON)

    Russian tests showed the material was 90% ‘unknown’ (MUFON)

    But the story got more complicated when Spearing asked a colleague to mail him the sample, only to find it stolen from Spearing’s USPS mailbox.

    The cameras were pointed at a wall, hampering the investigation, but U.S. postal workers said they had delivered the mail.

    “I went to my mailman and said, ‘Did it get delivered?’” Spearing explained. “And she said, ‘Yes, Bob, it got delivered. I put the box in your mailbox myself.’”

    “So the question is, who would dare to take something out of a federal mailbox?” he asked.

    Fortunately, the UFO researchers were able to obtain another sample from Arkady, which arrived after having been in customs for 17 days.

    MUFON stated that the sample will now be sent to two other laboratories for testing using electron microscopes.

    “We have physical evidence and more evidence of non-human technology,” James said.

    MUFON, short for Mutual UFO Network, is the largest and oldest civilian UFO research organization in the world.

    MUFON has been active since the late 1960s and focuses on “the scientific study of UFOs for the benefit of humanity.” MUFON has since grown into a worldwide network of like-minded citizen researchers with members in all 50 U.S. states.

    Still, not everyone—even seasoned UFO researchers—was convinced by Spearing’s presentation.

    UFO author Nigel Watson, author of Captured by Aliens? A History and Analysis of American Abduction Claims told DailyMail.com that the “evidence” is just one in a long line of alleged spacecraft “debris” that turned out to be nothing at all.

    “There is a regular stream of ‘new’ physical evidence to prove things like the Roswell crash,” Watson told DailyMail.com.

    “Everything that has been submitted so far tends to be explained when it is scientifically examined,” Watson said. “It’s all a matter of unrealistic hope versus actual facts.”


