MINOR VIDEO: Kris Tyson joked about selling nudes to 13-year-old boy, Lava, he was sexting as they talked about Hentai addiction leaving Nick Mercs to react

Information reaching Kossyderrickent has it that Kris Tyson joked about selling nudes to 13-year-old boy, Lava, he was sexting as they talked about Hentai addiction leaving Nick Mercs to react. (Read More Here).
Kris Tyson allegedly joking about selling nudes with minor, according to YouTuber Prism42.

Kris Tyson exposed for messaging 13-year-old boy, Lava, who took camper van out of university to secluded area to meet up. 

Kris Tyson from MrBeast is being accused of talking to Minors. 

Two videos over the last 30 days outline an alleged sexually inappropriate relationship with a minor that’s started with the minor at age 13 with plans to meet up with same minor at age 16.

Kris Tyson, who now goes by Ava, has yet to respond to these allegations.

Nick Mercs wrote: “Wow, who woulda thought.”


