Kyle Walker hints at divorce, could lose £13 million

Kyle Walker in Football Ground divorce

Kyle Walker, the Manchester City defender, hinted at potential marital issues with his childhood sweetheart, Annie Kilner, during a court confrontation with his former mistress, Lauryn Goodman. Walker disclosed to the court that he ‘could be going through a divorce,’ which might see half of his £26 million fortune taken by his wife, the mother of four of his sons.

The revelation came as Walker criticised Goodman, 33, for her ‘insatiable greed’ while she sought extensive demands from the England Vice Captain, who fathered a daughter with her, four years after their son was born.

Throughout the two-day legal dispute, Goodman, who had already received a £2.4 million Sussex mansion from Walker, demanded £350,000 for child maintenance and a £31,200 Astroturf for her daughter.

Walker, 34, was questioned by Goodman’s lawyers on why he was offering different sums for his daughter Kinara compared to his son Kairo. He revealed the extent of his marital troubles during this interrogation.

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Walker explained that he had made ‘gestures of goodwill’ to Goodman in the past to ‘build bridges,’ asserting that the influencer was ‘very interested in money’ and denying any differential treatment of his children.

When asked why there were discrepancies, Walker, who has four children with his wife, mentioned a possible divorce, which could significantly impact his finances.

Walker and Kilner, 32, met when he was 17, marrying in 2022. Their relationship faced turmoil when Goodman announced Walker fathered her son Kairo in 2020, leading Kilner to expel him from their home. Goodman pursued a lengthy court battle for financial support.

Walker ceased contact with Goodman and returned to Kilner, with whom he shares sons Roman, 11, Riaan, seven, Reign, five, and Rezon, three months. However, in June 2023, after reconnecting with Goodman at his solicitor’s office, Goodman gave birth to their daughter.

Immediately after Kinara’s birth, Goodman sought to increase child maintenance for Kairo from £110,000 to £177,000 per year. Knowing Walker would want to keep the birth private, Goodman made numerous demands, hinting she would go public.

Walker agreed to buy her a Sussex mansion and spent thousands on furnishings and a garden. Despite this, Goodman did not keep the matter confidential. Days before Christmas, she texted Kilner, who was pregnant, revealing Walker fathered her daughter.

Goodman claimed the message aimed to ensure the children could have a relationship and calm tensions. Once again, Walker was told to leave his home. Four months later, he returned, with Kilner and their children supporting him during the Euro 2024 tournament in Germany.

A source revealed Walker is back with Kilner and their children, trying to mend their marriage. Despite his return, Walker’s court comments about a potential divorce indicate ongoing strain.

Following the case, Walker’s spokeswoman criticised Goodman’s ‘insatiable greed’ and use of Walker as an ‘open-ended chequebook.’ She stated that Goodman’s actions led to unnecessary stress.

Goodman responded, asserting her actions were for her children’s future and expressing relief at securing their childhood. Both parties have until August 13 to appeal.

In the court rulings:

– Goodman’s request for a £33,000 air conditioning unit was deemed neither necessary nor reasonable by Judge Hess.
– Her £31,200 Astroturf demand was also rejected.
– For furniture, Goodman was awarded £5,000, specifically for her daughter’s bedroom, against Walker’s £2,500 offer.
– Her request for £70,000 towards a new Mercedes GLE every three years was dismissed, with Walker’s offer of £51,000 accepted.
– Goodman’s demand for £14,750 per month for child payments was rejected, with Walker’s £12,500 per month deemed generous.
– For nanny services, Walker’s offer was accepted with adjustments for inflation.
– Goodman’s £30,000 request for a nanny’s car was partially granted, with £12,000 awarded on condition of a full driving licence.


