Haunted spirits: Nakhon Sawan villagers seek mystic’s help

Photo of Puntid Tantivangphaisal

Photo courtesy of KhaoSod

Residents of a village in Nakhon Sawan called on a local mystic, known as Mor Pla, for urgent assistance after experiencing nightly disturbances since a 70 year old woman brought an item home from a rubbish pile. Stones have been thrown at homes, and unexplained fires have erupted, leaving villagers on edge.

Reporters visiting the village in Mueang district found that the community, consisting of about five houses, has been plagued by mysterious occurrences over the past two months. Every night, stones of varying sizes are hurled at the homes, causing significant damage and constant anxiety about potential fires.

A significant number of locals, including the village headman, police officers, and monks, have gathered to monitor the situation closely, hoping to uncover the source of these disturbances. However, the cause remains elusive, leading many to believe in supernatural forces at play.

Durian, the 70 year old woman at the centre of the story, recounted that she makes a living by collecting and selling old items. Two months ago, she found a bag containing four amulets at a rubbish site near a bridge in the same district and decided to take it home. Initially, nothing unusual happened, but by the second night, strange events began.

“On that night, stones of various sizes were thrown at my house throughout the night. I couldn’t see anyone when I checked outside, and the stones just kept coming.”

Durian added that the stone-throwing incidents occurred every night from 10pm until morning, leaving her family unable to sleep.

The situation escalated when her 15 year old grandson, in frustration, challenged the unseen entity, leading to a fire that almost destroyed their home. Five sets of his school uniforms, hanging near a mosquito net, suddenly caught fire. Thankfully, neighbours were quick to help extinguish the flames.

“Since I brought the amulets home, life has been uneasy. Our house is pelted with stones every night, and random fires erupt without any cause.”

Villagers’ torment

The elderly woman noted that the disturbances also affected neighbouring homes, but her house suffered the most severe incidents.

Soraya, a neighbour, confirmed that after her son took one of the amulets to their house for one night, they too experienced stone attacks. Despite giving the amulets to a monk for safekeeping, the stone-throwing continued unabated.

Another resident added that anyone who touched the amulets faced similar disturbances. He mentioned an incident where his motorbike, parked beside his house, inexplicably started on its own twice, despite the keys being in a basket. An old Thai song played mysteriously one night, though he dared not investigate and only recorded the sound.

Local authorities including the village headman Viroj Pan-kaew reported receiving complaints about the disturbances around June 13. Despite several attempts to appease whatever might be causing the events through rituals and offerings, the mysterious occurrences persisted.

“I’ve heard the stones being thrown myself but couldn’t see anyone responsible.”

Wichitchai Khumkreng, the secretary of the local administrative organisation, echoed these sentiments, noting that despite various efforts, including religious rituals, the disturbances have not ceased.

The villagers are now appealing for Mor Pla, a well-known local mystic, to intervene and help put an end to their ordeal. The amulets, including one of Luang Por Koon, have been handed over to monks at Wat Ketkiri for safekeeping, but the community remains besieged by nightly disturbances.

Residents hope that with Mo Pla’s help, they can find peace and answers to the mysterious events that have disrupted their lives for more than two months, reported KhaoSod.

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