Soda bottle explosion at local store injures worker

Photo of Puntid Tantivangphaisal

Photo courtesy of KhaoSod

A soda bottle explosion at a local store left a worker injured, prompting medical professionals to issue safety guidelines. The incident occurred when the worker was placing soda bottles into an icebox, resulting in an unexpected explosion that caused glass shards to scrape their hands, necessitating three stitches.

The incident was shared in the Facebook group พวกเราคือผู้บริโภค (We Are Consumers), which posted a video showing two employees carefully arranging soda bottles under a table before placing them into an icebox. Suddenly, one of the bottles exploded, startling everyone in the store. According to the post, the explosion of the 1-litre glass soda bottle caused significant injuries.

“The explosion was loud, and glass shards cut fingers requiring three stitches, and multiple cuts were sustained on the arm. Some glass pieces also hit customers dining in the store.”

The user mentioned several precautions: the store was well-ventilated with fans, the bottles were not exposed to direct sunlight, and they were stored under the icebox in a relatively cool environment. Moreover, the bottles were arranged vertically and were not subjected to any impact that might have caused the explosion. The soda was not excessively cold, nor were the bottles stored for an extended period, as they had been ordered just one to two days earlier.

Several netizens offered their opinions. One commenter from a wholesale store suggested that hot weather could cause such explosions, especially if bottles are handled roughly.

“Soda contains gas, and when it explodes, glass shards can travel farther than expected. It might be the sudden change from hot to cold temperatures.”

Dr Thapanawong Tangguraivan, an ophthalmologist at Phra Nang Klao Hospital in Nonthaburi, previously highlighted the risks associated with soda bottles, especially during hot weather.

“Sodas are popular in hot weather because they contain carbon dioxide gas, which adds fizz and refreshment. However, when exposed to high temperatures, the gas inside the bottle expands, causing the cap and glass to explode. This risk is higher with soda due to its higher gas volume.”

The doctor warned that if the bottle cap or glass shards hit the face, especially the eyes, it could cause severe injuries, leading to blindness or even loss of fingers if the explosion occurs while opening the bottle. Those at higher risk include soda factory workers, shopkeepers, and customers who frequently consume sodas.

Safety recommendations

To prevent such accidents, Dr Thapanawong offered several safety recommendations. Factory workers should handle glass-bottled sodas with extra caution, particularly when transporting crates. He advised using burlap sacks or thick cloths to cover soda crates to prevent glass shards from scattering if a bottle explodes.

For shopkeepers and the general public, he recommended storing soda crates in shady areas and placing bottles upright in the refrigerator. If the bottles are stored horizontally, he advised positioning the cap inward. He also cautioned against storing sodas in the freezer for extended periods, as the liquid could freeze and expand, increasing the pressure and causing the bottle to explode.

Dr Thapanawong advised against opening soda bottles with bare hands or using two bottle caps against each other, especially in hot weather. Instead, he recommended using a bottle opener wrapped in a towel and opening the cap slowly to allow the carbon dioxide gas to escape gradually, reducing the pressure inside the bottle, reported KhaoSod.

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