Phuket beautician shot by van driver after DNA test dispute

Photo of Puntid Tantivangphaisal

Photo courtesy of KhaoSod

A grey van driver in Phuket shot a slingshot at a beautician, causing her to bleed, due to anger over his wife refusing a DNA test for their child.

Social Hunter 2022 posted an image and a warning, alerting Phuket residents about a grey van with the licence plate number 30-9306 Phuket. The van nearly collided with a motorbike, driven by a beautician who honked once to warn the van driver. This angered the van driver, who then followed the beautician to her workplace.

The van driver used an unidentified firearm to shoot at the beautician, hitting her in the stomach, before fleeing the scene. The beauty salon recently acquired CCTV footage and the van’s licence plate, aiding in the search for the driver.

Reporters visited the scene of the incident yesterday and spoke with the beautician, 24 year old Pirakan (surname withheld) who sustained a bleeding stomach wound.

Pirakan shared that on May 28, she went out to buy some items. While driving, she noticed the van tailing her and moved aside to let it pass. However, the van edged closer, prompting her to honk once. The van driver slowed down and looked at her, so she overtook the van. The van then pursued her aggressively. Initially thinking the driver was in a hurry to work, she continued driving.

Upon reaching her salon, the van driver opened the window and shot at her with an unknown object. Pirakan initially felt a dull pain and did not realise she was shot. Inside the salon, she noticed blood on her shirt, although the wound wasn’t large and her shirt was not pierced through. She reported the incident to the police afterward.

Police station

The reporters then contacted the van’s owner, who revealed that the perpetrator was the driver. Following the incident, the owner took the driver to Patong Police Station to surrender, bringing the slingshot and glass marbles used in the assault as evidence. However, the police informed them that the victim had not yet been to the station and might not know that the driver had been located.

Further inquiries with the van’s owner revealed that on the day of the incident, the driver had gone to meet his ex-wife to request a DNA test for their child, reported KhaoSod.

When his ex-wife and her relatives refused, he left angrily. Upon encountering the beautician, he mistook her for a relative of his ex-wife and, in his frustration, shot at her once with the slingshot before fleeing.

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