My girlfriend is furious at me over something I can’t control – and she dropped the bomb on me in a series of shocking text messages

    A friend was sad because she couldn't share food with her vegetarian friend

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    A man shared his confusion online after an awkward 19-month text message exchange with his long-distance girlfriend left him unsure what to think.

    The bewildered friend, who has been a vegetarian for more than half his life, shook his head after his meat-eating girlfriend complained that ‘they can’t even go to steakhouses together sometimes’.

    The young man posted on Reddit that he was more than willing to go to any steakhouse and assured her that he “didn’t mind” because “if the steaks are good, their sides will be good too.”

    The friend was not so easily convinced and reiterated her concern that they “wouldn’t be able to share anything.” The man was more than willing to split the parties, but that still wasn’t good enough to convince his partner that they should stay together.

    Meat is her “love language” and the thought of not sharing it “makes me sick.”

    A friend was sad because she couldn’t share food with her vegetarian friend

    Girlfriend is devastated that she can't share meat

    Friend is willing to share vegetarian dishes

    A long-distance relationship between a carnivore and a vegetarian was hanging by a thread

    1,500 people on Reddit quickly responded, with one calling it the “most annoying conversation ever.” Whatever you say is a problem, even if it doesn’t have to be.”

    Others agree that the entire discussion was “stupid” and “stupid.”

    Another laughed and said he only had to read three slides to figure out she was “just looking” for a way to end the relationship.

    Others called the friend “ridiculously self-centered,” “beyond childish” and even “irrational.”

    The Redditor suspected that the girlfriend went to such lengths to press her case so that she could put her husband aside without “looking like the bad guy.”

    A few people commented that they couldn’t get through the entire conversation and gave up after a few pages because it was just too “insufferable.”

    Another said that while he “loves a good steak” and can understand the desire to share one with someone you love, he thought this “selfish” girl was “just looking for a reason to break it out.” to make’.

    Sharing meat is her love language

    The easy-going friend likes to share other dishes

    The text exchange went back and forth for a while, with the girlfriend unable to be satisfied

    Others urged the boyfriend not to give up his “values ​​and morals” of eight years for a girl who knew he was a vegetarian when she started dating him.

    Given that the friend had gone to such lengths to accommodate his steak-hungry partner, the consensus seemed to be, “There’s nothing you can do or say, dude, she’s gone.”

    Someone else couldn’t understand how the food sharing issue even arose when the couple was already in a long-distance relationship and probably didn’t eat together often enough for the incompatibility to arise.


