Meet Irish Tudtud: The Woman Caught on Video Wishing Rape onto Palestinian Students

Meet Irish Tudtud: The Woman Caught on Video Wishing Rape onto Palestinian Students

Columbia University is at the center of a growing controversy following an incident in which a woman, identified as Irish Tudtud, was caught on video making derogatory and inflammatory remarks toward Palestinian students. The incident, which occurred on the university’s campus, has sparked outrage and calls for action from various student groups and human rights organizations.

In the video, Tudtud is seen yelling at a group of Palestinian students, saying she hopes they “get raped” and referring to them as “rapists.” Despite the aggressive nature of her comments, witnesses reported that public safety officers on the scene did not intervene or take any immediate action to address the situation.

The man accompanying Tudtud in the video has been identified as Loren Werner. According to Stop Arab Hate’s official X account, Werner has a history of expressing controversial views. His statements about Black people, Palestinians, and Muslims have been scrutinized, revealing a pattern of prejudiced and inflammatory rhetoric.

Werner’s publicly expressed views have included derogatory comments and broad generalizations that target these communities. He has been known to post incendiary remarks on social media platforms, further fueling the controversy surrounding his actions and affiliations.

Loren Werner Past Tweets

Loren Werner Past Tweets

Meet Irish Tudtud: The Woman Caught on Video Wishing Rape onto Palestinian Students

University administration has yet to release an official statement addressing the incident, but sources within the university indicate that an internal review is underway.

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