How parents can make or break a student’s education

Photo of Sarishti Arora

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As parents, your involvement can tip the scales towards success or unnecessary stress. Tuitions, often seen as a magic wand for academic excellence, can sometimes rob students of their self-learning needs. But how often should you resort to them?

The answer lies in balance and understanding. Education is not a dictatorship, it is a democratic process. Setting unrealistic expectations can dampen your child’s morale. So, it is crucial to understand their capacities before setting the bar.

The secret sauce to effective learning is not cramming, but consistent daily practice. Even a mere 10 minutes daily can work wonders. But do not forget, your child needs breaks as much as they need books. A 15-minute break every hour can boost focus and productivity. So, are you ready to redefine your role in your child’s education?

Understanding parental influence on education

Unravel the profound influence of parents on a student’s education journey.

The role of parental engagement

The active involvement of parents plays a pivotal role in students’ education. Renowned British education reformer Katharine Birbalsingh CBE articulates that a good school demands more from both pupils and parents. She buttresses this point by mentioning the inherent potential of home life to shape a child’s academic performance. For instance, parents actively participating in their children’s homework encourage a better understanding of the curriculum. Adopting educational activities (outside electronics), such as book reading, contributes towards intellectual development. One prime example is Thailand; the country’s education system thrives partially due to the deep-rooted belief in parental involvement.

The impact of supportive vs. non-supportive behaviours

Parents’ supportive behaviour positively influences student education. It fuels better understanding, encourages problem-solving ability, and fosters self-esteem. However, an overprotective approach can inadvertently hinder these skills and increase anxiety. For instance, volunteer participation in school activities affords parents an insight into school governance, helping them align better with the educators. Alternatively, non-supportive actions can impede student education progress. Reports cite that two-thirds of public school fourth graders in some countries are not proficient readers, a consequence of negligible parental involvement in establishing reading habits. Therefore, parents must strike an equilibrium between supportive and non-supportive behaviours for effective learning.

Effective communication between parents and schools

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Effective communication acts as a cornerstone connecting parents and schools, essentially shaping a student’s education. This pivotal interaction can enhance their academic journey and engagement in a meaningful way.

Strategies for building positive relationships

Fostering a positive rapport between parents and schools is crucial. Begin by establishing an open line of communication with the child’s teacher. Show interest in your child’s curriculum and work in tandem with the teacher to help your child progress. Proactively involve yourself in school events: volunteer, join the school’s parent-teacher group, or participate in council meetings. Parental presence in the school community not only strengthens relationships with educators but also reinforces your child’s sense of belonging.

As suggested by previous research, experts urge parents to invest time in school activities and show enthusiasm for their children’s schoolwork. This level of involvement boosts a child’s academic performance significantly.

Importance of regular communication

Regular communication with school administrators and educators is paramount for parents. In understanding the academic progress and challenges of your child, consistent dialogues with teachers play a significant role. Regular parent-teacher interviews provide an opportunity for you to voice concerns, seek clarification, and jointly strategise.

However, understanding and respecting the boundaries of the school’s role in your child’s life is also essential. Take note of the limitations, and engage in constructive discussions to seek mutual solutions for any issues arising. Remember, while the school handles your child’s formal education, parents essentially shape their lifelong learning styles and habits, making this communication an important facet of student education.

This model of consistent participation and communication has been successful in many countries, including Thailand, where parental involvement has shown a notable positive effect on student education. By implementing these strategies, parents can effectively contribute to their child’s academic success without overshadowing the role of the school.

Creating a conducive learning environment at home

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Taking an active role in your child’s education can transform the learning outcome. As a guardian, you hold the key to make or break a student’s education.

Establishing a dedicated study space

One of the effective ways to make learning productive is by setting up a dedicated study space at home. This dedicated space should ideally be away from distractions where your child can focus on their studies. It is essential that this space has all the educational tools required, such as textbooks, notebooks, and perhaps a computer for digital learning. Being mindful of your child’s comfort can do wonders for their concentration levels, so consider aspects like good lighting, a comfortable chair, and a desk at the right height. But remember, an ideal study space doesn’t have to be expensive or grand; functionality is the key.

Encouraging consistent study habits

Developing good study habits in your child can contribute immensely to their academic success. Encourage daily study sessions, allowing your child to take control of their learning. Promote the idea that studying a little every day is much better for long-term retention than cramming it all in one day. A study schedule that spaces out their practice across different subjects—even as little as 10 minutes daily—can prove beneficial. Regular breaks also have their place; a 15-minute break after every hour of studying can improve focus and productivity.

This balance between discipline and leisure, which helps foster a beneficial learning environment, has been successfully demonstrated in countries like Thailand, where students’ education benefits greatly from parents promoting consistent study habits. Remember, it’s not about pressuring your child into achieving high grades but guiding them towards becoming lifelong learners.

Parental involvement in school activities

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Taking an interest in your child’s school life is more than just attending PTA meetings. As touched upon in the previous discourse, it incorporates a range of activities that bolster your child’s education. Let’s expound on how your active role in extracurricular activities and understanding of your child’s educational needs can shape their academic journey.

Benefits of participating in extracurricular activities

Active participation in your child’s extracurricular activities presents a host of benefits. Firstly, it encourages a stronger parent-child bond, as you share in their interests and achievements. This, in turn, enhances their self-esteem. Also, by witnessing the dedication, effort, and discipline required in these activities, you’ll be better equipped to echo these values at home, promoting your child’s holistic development.

Moreover, involvement not only signals to your child that you value their education but also impresses upon other students the importance of parental engagement, consequently lifting the entire school community. In fact, studies have shown a clear correlation between parental involvement and higher student achievement across the board. Just think, if parental participation can generate such positive outcomes in places as diverse as Thailand, it has boundless potential for your child’s education.

Understanding your child’s educational needs

Awareness of your child’s educational needs is vital in shaping their learning adventure. Taking the time to know your child’s academic strengths, weaknesses, interests, and goals will enable you to provide the right support at home. For instance, crafting a study schedule tailored to their abilities and learning tendencies not only supports consistent practice but also promotes a balanced lifestyle, relieving academic stress on them.

Remember, open dialogue with teachers and educators plays a crucial role in comprehending your child’s educational journey. So, strive to utilise opportunities for interaction, such as parent-teacher interviews and school meetings. After all, you and the teachers share a common goal: cultivating your child’s optimal academic and personal growth.

From setting realistic expectations to being an ally in their extracurricular pursuits, your contribution holds paramount importance in your child’s journey to success.

You can also check out the role of emotional intelligence in academic success, Emotional intelligence, defined as the capacity to comprehend, employ, and manage our emotions constructively, substantially influences academic performance. Increasing it not only escalates academic achievements, but it also enriches one’s ability to convey motivational thoughts.



