Disgraced player agent Ricky Nixon spared jail despite bitter Sam Newman podcast rant – as his own lawyer makes brutal admission

    Disgraced player agent Ricky Nixon outside a Melbourne court on Thursday

    Disgraced former player agent Ricky Nixon has been convicted of labelling a postman he called on a podcast “an illegal immigrant who doesn’t speak English” after pleading guilty to assaulting him.

    Nixon appeared on Sam Newman’s Podcast You can’t be serious on June 5, a day after he was found guilty of assaulting postal worker Behroz Kahaliqi during a botched package delivery.

    The 61-year-old appeared in the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court on Thursday, where his lawyer Sai Ranjit tried to prevent Nixon’s tirade against Newman from being played out in court.

    On the recording Nixon could be heard aiming at his victim, who the court heard was completely innocent of any wrongdoing.

    ‘He is said to be an illegal immigrant. Whether he is or not, I don’t care,” Nixon said.

    In a series of wild claims, Nixon claimed that Kahaliqi had no memory of the incident and suggested that he himself had been the victim of a police conspiracy.

    He further falsely claimed that Mr Kahaliqi had done so since fired by Australia Post.

    “(Australia Post) hasn’t commented on why they fired him, but it would be a remarkable coincidence that they fired the company he works for, and fired him – they were a contractor,” Nixon told Newman.

    Disgraced player agent Ricky Nixon outside a Melbourne court on Thursday

    Disgraced player agent Ricky Nixon outside a Melbourne court on Thursday

    Nixon told Newman not to ask Mr. Kahaliqi for his side of the story because he would not be able to understand him.

    ‘He spoke uncommunicable English and you couldn’t understand a word he said. So you’re wasting your time,” Nixon said.

    The court heard that Nixon also targeted Magistrate Vincenzo Caltabiano himself, who found Nixon guilty of unlawful assault and firing a missile after a contentious hearing on June 4.

    “The magistrate stated yesterday that ‘I find the victim to be a credible witness and that Mr. Nixon’s statements are inconsistent,’” Nixon told Newman.

    ‘There were six witnesses, one of which was the victim. The other five witnesses all testified that Nixon did not hit him. Ricky threw him on the sidewalk, which I admit, he threw a package on the sidewalk.

    ‘He claims I threw the package at him. The magistrate says he believes him, not me, that I threw the package at him… but there is no evidence.’

    The court heard Nixon claimed Mr Kahaliqi called his now estranged partner Melissa Huynh a ‘c***’ and ‘s***’ and was forced to defend himself from an attack instigated by the angry postman at his home in Port Melbourne on March 10. , 2022.

    Magistrate Caltabiano ruled that Nixon did not act in self-defense and attacked the postman, despite his own safety not being at risk.

    Ricky Nixon's relationship with 'the St Kilda Schoolgirl', aka Kim Duthie (right), in 2010 impacted his career as a player agent

    Ricky Nixon's relationship with 'the St Kilda Schoolgirl', aka Kim Duthie (right), impacted his career as a player agent in 2010

    Ricky Nixon’s relationship with ‘the St Kilda Schoolgirl’, aka Kim Duthie (right), in 2010 had an impact on his career as a player agent

    Nixon recently claimed to have broken up with his latest girlfriend, Melissa Huynh

    Nixon recently claimed to have broken up with his latest girlfriend, Melissa Huynh

    Nixon recently claimed to have broken up with his latest girlfriend, Melissa Huynh

    The magistrate lashed out at Nixon for his podcast rant.

    “It has a rather unpleasant tone,” Caltabiano said.

    “I recognize that the defendant may not accept an allegation against him, but go out and make accusations of the nature that this person could not speak English while giving evidence clearly and concisely in court without the assistance of an interpreter. …it does not reflect well on Mr. Nixon at all.”

    The prosecutor called for Mr. Caltabiano to jail Nixon along with a community corrections order.

    “Mr. with Your Honor’s statements. ‘ she said.

    “By recharacterizing the evidence and creating the impression that Nixon was framed or somehow wronged by the system, while at the same time smearing Kahaliqi, who is the victim in this case, shows that there is no remorse at all for his crime, that there is no insight into the offense and the impact the offense has had on others.’

    The court heard that the prosecutor believed Nixon had “limited” prospects for rehabilitation.


    Nixon is friends with Sam Newman, who continues to allow his rants on his podcast

    Nixon is friends with Sam Newman, who continues to allow his rants on his podcast

    Nixon is friends with Sam Newman, who continues to allow his rants on his podcast

    Ricky Nixon outside a court in Melbourne on Thursday

    Ricky Nixon outside a court in Melbourne on Thursday

    Ricky Nixon outside a court in Melbourne on Thursday

    Before the podcast was played, Nixon’s attorney had tried to suggest that the media coverage of his client’s postie attack amounted to an extra-curial sentence.

    It was a proposal rejected by the prosecutor.

    “The comments he has made in the public domain are, in my opinion, no different than if he were making comments to the media waiting outside the court,” she said.

    Mr Ranjit admitted that his client had no remorse for his behaviour.

    While pleading for mercy, Mr Ranjit claimed Nixon had undergone anger management counseling and needed to be free in the community to continue his interstate travel to fundraise for football clubs – an activity the court heard Nixon was receiving payment for takes.

    Caltabiano sentenced Nixon to an 18-month community corrections order, requiring him to carry out 150 hours of unpaid community work and mental health care.

    Nixon immediately indicated his intention to appeal the decision, describing the sentence to his lawyer as “a joke.”


