Democrat Blows Up Photo of Rudy Giuliani Dressed in Drag With ‘Admiring’ Donald Trump to Troll Anti-LGBTQ Republicans: ‘Drag Can Be Fun!’

    Rep. Robert Garcia, D-Calif., displayed a poster showing Rudy Giuliani in drag to condemn the Republican's efforts to ban military funding for drag shows

    A gay Democrat displayed a poster of Rudy Giuliani in drag on the floor of the House of Representatives this week to shame Republicans for their efforts to stop the military from funding drag shows.

    The blown-up sign featured an image of the former mayor of New York City, wearing a purple dress, a big blonde wig and a face full of makeup, as the younger Donald Trump looks admiringly.

    Rep. Robert Garcia, D-Calf., also displayed a poster board with a photo of Jennifer Coolidge from the HBO show “White Lotus” with the caption, “These gays, they’re trying to kill me,” in another joke aimed at Republicans’ anti-LGBT sentiment.

    “My Republican colleagues would have us believe that gays are trying to kill us,” he said Thursday, gesturing to the Coolidge poster. ‘They want to believe that drag is harmful, immoral or wrong. This is completely ridiculous.’

    On Friday, the House of Representatives passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) – which oversees all US military spending – after a lengthy amendment process, including banning the use of funds for drag events.

    The amendment bashing Garcia was introduced by Rep. Josh Brecheen, R-Okla., who reiterated Thursday: “Most of our armed forces are inspired by GI Joe; they’re not inspired by ‘be a Barbie girl in a Barbie world.’

    Garcia pushed back on the ban with his posters on the House floor.

    “I hate to break it to my Republican colleagues, but LGBTQ people have fought and died for this country since the American Revolution, even as they were forced to hide their true selves.”

    ‘The USO and the Red Cross organized drag shows during World War II. The army that defeated Hitler and saved the world also included drag queens.’

    The gay Democrat also noted how Republican idol Ronald Reagan starred in a 1943 film called “This is the Army,” which featured soldiers in drag.

    Rep. Robert Garcia, D-Calif., displayed a poster showing Rudy Giuliani in drag to condemn the Republican's efforts to ban military funding for drag shows

    Rep. Robert Garcia, D-Calif., displayed a poster showing Rudy Giuliani in drag to condemn the Republican’s efforts to ban military funding for drag shows

    Garcia also printed a meme-like poster of HBO

    Garcia also printed a meme-like poster of HBO

    Garcia also printed a meme-like poster of HBO “White Lotus” star Jennifer Coolidge

    The original video of Trump and Giuliani is from a video recording for a charity fundraiser in 2000

    The original video of Trump and Giuliani is from a video recording for a charity fundraiser in 2000

    The original video of Trump and Giuliani is from a video recording for a charity fundraiser in 2000

    Giuliani, whose costume is called Rudia, talks to Trump about a new perfume

    Giuliani, whose costume is called Rudia, talks to Trump about a new perfume

    Giuliani, whose costume is called Rudia, talks to Trump about a new perfume

    Trump then leans forward and takes a long sniff of Rudia's scent

    Trump then leans forward and takes a long sniff of Rudia's scent

    Trump then leans forward and takes a long sniff of Rudia’s scent

    He tells Rudia that she deserves her own scent because she is so beautiful

    He tells Rudia that she deserves her own scent because she is so beautiful

    He tells Rudia that she deserves her own scent because she is so beautiful

    “And he’s not the only Republican president who knew that drag can be fun and sometimes silly,” Garcia said as he stood next to the poster of Trump and Giuliani.

    The image of the two New Yorkers originally came from a sketch made for a fundraiser in 2000.

    In the piece, Giuliani goes by the drag name “Rudia” and approaches Trump flirtatiously.

    “You know you are really beautiful,” Trump says to Rudia in the performance.

    He then tells Rudia that a woman her size deserves her own perfume before trying some, and Trump sniffs up to her neck for a long and deep sniff.

    “Oh, I like that,” he says to Giuliani’s drag persona.

    Then Rudia sprays another scent on her chest and Donald dives in again for a scent.

    The former president then dives deep into Rudia’s fake breasts with his face and motorboats from the former mayor before she pushes him away and shouts, “Oh, you dirty boy… Donald, I thought you were a gentleman.”

    The lighthearted skit reappeared in 2016, before Trump’s first presidential bid, but didn’t cause much damage at the time.

    Then Rudia tries out a different scent for the businessman to smell and sprays it on her breasts

    Then Rudia tries out a different scent for the businessman to smell and sprays it on her breasts

    Then Rudia tries out a different scent for the businessman to smell and sprays it on her breasts

    Trump then approaches the fake bosom and gets as close as he can

    Trump then approaches the fake bosom and gets as close as he can

    Trump then approaches the fake bosom and gets as close as he can

    He then buries his face in Giuliani's fake breath before she calls him a 'dirty boy'

    He then buries his face in Giuliani's fake breath before she calls him a 'dirty boy'

    He then buries his face in Giuliani’s fake breath before she calls him a ‘dirty boy’

    As LGBT issues and barriers have become increasingly polarizing, Republicans have sought to limit government barriers.

    Last year, for example, the Department of Defense banned drag shows on bases.

    Other amendments in the NDAA sought to ban DOD-funded schools from having books with LGBT themes and prevent military installations from flying the pride flag.

    Garcia is one of 12 openly LGBT members of Congress.


