All you need to know as Peter Dutton goes nuclear – what we know now, when the new policy details will be revealed – and the key questions needing answered

    Climate 200 founder Simon Holmes a Court poses for a photo at the launch of his new book 'The Big Teal' in Melbourne, Friday, September 30, 2022. (AAP Image/Morgan Hancock) NO ARCHIVES 13528823

    Climate crusader Simon Holmes à Court has posed a series of 18 questions that he says Dutton must answer if he wants the Australian public to support nuclear energy.

    Mr Holmes à Court has a Climate 200 fund that backed the ‘Teal’ independents at the last election – many of whom won previously safe Liberal seats in affluent parts of Sydney.

    – Where nuclear reactors will be located

    – How the Coalition plans to lift state bans, as nuclear power is currently banned in Victoria, NSW and Queensland

    – What will happen if the local population objects

    – When will the reactors start generating energy?

    – How much will they cost?

    – How is the waste managed?

    – Who provides disaster insurance?

    – What will be the impact of the emissions

    He said: ‘Without good answers to the above questions, the coalition cannot be taken seriously.

    “Any plan that makes us pay more and inflates our carbon budget is a poisonous joke.”


