ABSENT VIDEO: Feminists are calling Ambassador, Daniel Koikai, a deadbeat father after he committed suicide over being depressed about Njambi Koikai death

Information reaching Kossyderrickent has it that Feminists are calling Ambassador, Daniel Koikai, a deadbeat father after he committed suicide over being depressed about Njambi Koikai death. 

Ambassador Daniel Koikai, Njambi Koikai’s father has Reportedly committed suicide.

Yesterday at Jahmby’s Requiem mass, Daniel Koikai asked Njambi Koikai for forgiveness for his shortcomings as a father and for being absent in her life.
Rest in Peace Njambi Koikai.

Njambi ‘Jahmby’ Koikai, has opened up about the final special moments with his late daughter.

While mourning his daughter in a funeral program seen by the Star, Koikai shared details about his relationship with his late daughter.

He described their relationship as full of both good and bad times, noting that they only met when Njambi was in high school because he was working abroad during her childhood.

“When times were good, we would go shopping and have lunch at some restaurants in the city, and you enjoyed meeting me very much. I deeply miss the good times we shared.

“During the bad times, we would go days or months without talking, something I blame myself for and will always regret as I’ve lost the chance to make things right with you,” Koikai wrote.


