VIDEO: “Quables make dem stab Sika Official?” – Outrage as Quables ordered for Sika Official to be stabbed during fight outside Levels Club in viral video

“Quables make dem stab Sika Official?” – Outrage as Quables ordered for Sika Official to be stabbed during fight outside Levels Club in viral video.

Sel the Bomb broke the news, sharing a video of Sika Official receiving treatment at the hospital.

According to him, Sika got stabbed due to a squabble with Dancegod Lloyd‘s controversial former manager.

According to SelTheBomb: “Quables got Sika Official st*bbed at Level Pub during a fight with Dancegod Lloyd’s former manager.”

“Quables and Curtis of R2bees are you happy now?” he added.

Sharing the video on Snapchat, SelTheBomb also namedropped one Curtis, believed to be linked to Ghana’s hip life duo, R2Bees. Sika Official is yet to react to the trending news. Neither Quables nor Curtis have confirmed nor denied their involvement in the case. The video has caused a frenzy on social media as scores of fans continue to share their thoughts.


