VIDEO: Call for cancel as Ning Baizura mocked Palestinians as she said ALL EYES ON RAFAH, WHO IS THAT? during Instagram Live stream

Information reaching Kossyderrickent has it that Call for cancel as Ning Baizura mocked Palestinians as she said ALL EYES ON RAFAH, WHO IS THAT? during Instagram Live stream.

During her TikTok live stream, Ning Baizura, is heard as she asked Who’s Rafah, after a fan dropped a comment.

Rafah is a place in Palestine, where is currently being bombed by Israeli Army. Now, Malaysians are cancelling her on social media.

A Malaysian wrote: “All eyes on Rafah. Who’s that?” Ada eh manusia yang macam ni sekali? Kalau cakap artis malaysia memang ramai out of touch or just plain bangang kang mula lah sekor sekor sentap terpaling artist pun struggle jugak blablabla. Its high time we de-influence n defund these people lah.”


