US soldier arrested in Russia told local girlfriend he supported Trump, repeated Kremlin line on ‘aggressive’ NATO, videos show

US soldier arrested in Russia told local girlfriend he supported Trump, repeated Kremlin line on ‘aggressive’ NATO, videos show

WASHINGTON – An American soldier jailed in Russia last week empathized with Russia’s view of the war in Ukraine and repeated Moscow’s talking points decrying NATO in videos posted to his Russian ex-girlfriend’s TikTok account.

“I think NATO is pretty aggressive,” Army Staff Sgt. Gordon C. Black, 34, told an online audience in a video featuring his then-girlfriend Aleksa Viktorovna. “Honestly, I understand Russia’s position. Obviously, they want to defend their country.”

Married US serviceman Sergeant Gordon Black, 34, is detained by the Russian authorities after the lovestruck soldier followed a woman from his base in South Korea to Vladivostok in a possible honeytrap. social media; e2w news

Black was arrested May 2 in the Pacific port city of Vladivostok – near Russia’s borders with North Korea and China – on charges of “theft of personal property” after traveling to the US adversary nation to visit his former squeeze, Army spokeswoman Cynthia Smith told The Post Tuesday.

Black made the trip to Vladivostok after finishing his tour of duty working as an Army trainer in South Korea on April 10. He was supposed to leave the foreign base directly for his next duty station in Texas, Smith said.

“Instead of returning to the continental United States, Black flew from Incheon, [South] Korea through China to Vladivostok, Russia, for personal reasons,” she explained. “Black did not request official clearance and [the Defense Department] did not authorize his travel to China and Russia. Official and leave travel is currently restricted pursuant to the DoD Foreign Clearance Guide.”

Russian woman Aleksa Viktorovna, 31, who lured married US serviceman Sergeant Gordon Black, 34, to Vladivostok. social media; e2w news

It is unclear whether Viktorovna influenced Black’s pro-Russia stance or whether she was part of a “honeypot” scheme targeting the married staff sergeant.

The Army has opened an administrative investigation “to determine the facts and the circumstances” of Black’s trip, deputy Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh said Tuesday.

There was no further information about the nature of the allegations against Black nor is it clear who made the report.

Black’s statements on foreign policy echoed Russian President Vladimir Putin’s regular claims in propaganda that the NATO security alliance encroaches on his country’s ability to defend itself, as well as his false pretenses that Moscow has a historical right to the sovereign territory of Ukraine.

Viktorovna – who also goes by Aleksandra Vashchuk – expressed a similar sentiment in the TikTok post.

“It seems like NATO has not only gone to Ukraine, but also to America and to Korea. It seems like he should be taken to the trash,” she said, apparently referring to her American soldier boyfriend then stationed in South Korea.

Gordon Black, 34, with Aleksa Viktorovna, 31, who smokes a cigarette. social media; e2w news

Black was also critical of President Biden, and agreed with Viktorovna’s statement in the video that “Trump is better” in videos first reported Tuesday by Radio Free Europe. The soldier further blamed Biden for the tensions between the US and Russia, saying relations were “definitely better under Trump” in a video featuring the pair.

“I just don’t – [Biden] doesn’t handle situations the way you should,” he said. “And I think that’s one of the bigger reasons why things are the way they are now.”

“And it’s not just with Russia, like you can see it with other countries too,” Black added, citing poor US relations with China, another American adversary.

In many of the videos, Vikotorovna treated Black harshly, calling him names and teasing him in both English and Russian. In one, she complained that TikTok removed a previous video she’d posted of Black, which the social media platform said violated its community guidelines with ‘”scenes of humiliation,” according to Radio Free Europe.

In the scene referenced, Black gifts Viktorovna an iPad – while she reciprocated with a simple pair of socks.

Russian woman Aleksa Viktorovna, 31, who may have lured married US serviceman Sergeant Gordon Black, 34, to Vladivostok. social media; e2w news

In another video, Viktorovna filmed Black as she asked him to say “Russian Victory Day” in Russian before turning the camera back to herself.

“Happy victory day everyone!” she said in Russian in the video. “Today we are going to torture Americans and Germans.”

Viktorovna referred to Black as her “husband” during another clip in which Black repeated some Russian curse words. Wearing a T-shirt with the words “I don’t give a f–k” in Russian, she repeatedly called Black “crazy” and jokingly wonders where he learned the profanity.

She then described a scenario where Russian soldiers would consider executing him if he were to say the swear words.

“They would say, ‘Maybe we should kill him? Maybe he’s ill?’” she said in Russian.

Russian woman Aleksa Viktorovna, 31, who dated married US serviceman Sergeant Gordon Black, 34, and influenced his decision to come to Vladivostok. social media; e2w news

Black has been in the Army for more than 15 years, enlisting as an infantryman in 2008, Smith said. Black had deployed to Iraq from October 2009 through September 2010, and to Afghanistan from June 2013 until March 2014.

He will remain pretrial detention until at least July 2. If convicted, Black could face imprisonment in Russia for up to five years.

