UM NAACP Recommends Expulsion for JP Staples, Connor Moore and Rouse Boyce Following Racist Incident

UM NAACP Recommends Expulsion for JP Staples, Connor Moore and Rouse Boyce Following Racist Incident

A pro-Palestinian protest at the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) turned ugly when a graduate student, Jaylin Smith, was targeted by counter-protesters with insults and racist gestures. The incident, caught on video, sparked outrage and led to swift action by the university and a fraternity involved.

During the protest, which drew about 30 pro-Palestine demonstrators, a group of predominantly white male counter-protesters hurled insults at Smith, targeting her weight and making racist gestures. One individual even jumped and hooted like a monkey in her direction, while others chanted “Lock her up!”

The disturbing actions of the counter-protesters, particularly the racist gestures, went viral after being captured on video. In response, the Phi Delta Theta fraternity, to which the responsible individual belonged, took immediate action. They announced the removal of the student involved, stating that such behavior contradicted the fraternity’s values.

While the fraternity did not name the student, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) identified him as James “JP” Staples. They called for Staples and two other students, Connor Moore and Rouse Boyce, to be expelled for their involvement in the incident.

Ole Miss Chancellor Glenn Boyce confirmed that the university had launched a student conduct investigation into the matter, though student privacy laws prevented them from disclosing specific details. However, Boyce assured they were committed to determining if further disciplinary action was necessary.

The incident at Ole Miss is reflective of a broader trend of escalating tensions surrounding pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses across the United States.

These demonstrations often result in clashes, counter-protests, and, in some cases, arrests. At Ole Miss, the pro-Palestine protesters were met with a much larger group of counter-protesters, who drowned out their chants with the Star-Spangled Banner.

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