NACC criticised for redacted Prawit watch case report

Photo of Mitch Connor

Photo courtesy of Bangkok Post

The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) handed over a report on the controversial watch case involving former deputy premier Prawit Wongsuwon to activist Veera Somkwamkid yesterday, following an order by the Administrative Court.

Despite this, many sections of the report remain heavily redacted, as Veera, head of the Anti-Corruption People’s Network.

The court had mandated the NACC to deliver the case details to Veera within 15 days after the order was issued on May 2. Veera had allowed an additional 15 days, but the NACC has yet to provide the complete documents as ordered.

On May 2, the court issued the directive along with a 10,000-baht fine after the NACC failed to comply with an earlier order from August 22, 2019. This earlier directive instructed the NACC to reveal three documents related to its investigation into Prawit’s alleged omission of luxury wristwatches from a mandatory assets declaration.

The earlier directive was issued by the Office of the Official Information Commission in response to Veera’s petition.

Veera expressed his frustration, stating that the NACC continues to disregard the May 2 court order. He has not received the full, unredacted versions of the three documents due to extensive blacked-out sections and missing pages.

Redacted portions include the names of the NACC officers involved and other critical details.

“This is unacceptable.”

Veera pledged to file another petition to compel the NACC to submit all the documents.

He also pointed out that none of the 1,000 pages of documents he received bore an official verification signature.

He mentioned he is legally restricted from publicising the documents, as doing so could result in a year in jail and/or a maximum fine of 20,000 baht, reported Bangkok Post.

“But I don’t mind if I have to be in prison for releasing the paper. I will do so for the public benefit.”

In related news, Thailand’s suspended Deputy National Police Chief, Police General Surachet Hakparn, known as Big Joke, initiated a campaign in Pattaya to gather signatures for the removal of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC).

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