Mysterious red stain in dorm room sparks viral humour online

Photo of Samantha Rose

Picture courtesy of Sanook

A man moving into a new dormitory room at 11pm yesterday discovered a mysterious red stain on the wall, prompting a flood of humorous comments from netizens. The incident was widely shared online after a Facebook user named Star Pattinum posted photos of the dormitory with the red stain on the wall, along with the following message:

“Today, the dormitory owner texted me, asking if I could move to another room for about ten days because they need to install a new water pipe. They told me to stay in another dormitory room until the repairs were finished. After work, I quickly moved my essentials to the new room. While I was cleaning and arranging the room, I found this. What on earth is this?”

The post quickly went viral, attracting numerous comments, most of which were humorous.

“If it were old blood, it would be darker and clotted. This seems fresh, definitely not old.”
“Sleep face down. If you sleep face up, it might come from the ceiling.”
“Jack, let’s get to the point: ‘the room awaiting renovation.’”
“So, are you going to sleep there? But the stain is bright red; don’t worry, it’s definitely blood.”
“Don’t be afraid; you’ll stare at it all night for sure.”
“If someone dances for you tonight, don’t forget to tip them.”
“Bright red, don’t worry, it’s human blood and still fresh. The owner of the blood is probably still in the room.”

Other comments speculated on more sinister causes.

“Don’t worry, it’s not blood from a corpse seeping down from the upper floor. Another stain is probably lymph fluid. The technician must have found the lymph fluid stain and used deodorant to cover it up.”

Seeing the flood of comments, the original poster thanked everyone for their input.

“Ninety percent of the comments are giving me moral support, ending with ghosts and murder victims for sure. Sigh… reading this makes me feel so much more at ease.”

Despite the initial scare and online speculation, the red stain was not blood or the result of any crime. It was a red dye used for crack detection, likely sprayed on the wall in preparation for future repairs by the dormitory management.

Alls well that ends well.

Mysterious red stain in dorm room sparks viral humour online | News by Thaiger
Picture courtesy of Sanook

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