Man mistakenly shot as mouse deer in Phuket jungle

Photo of Mitch Connor

Picture courtesy of Karon Police

Phuket’s Karon View Point jungle was the scene of a tragic and unusual death when a 40 year old man was mistakenly shot by his friend, who mistook him for a mouse deer. The body was discovered late on May 5.

Responding to the alert around 11.30pm, police arrived at the area, which was situated behind the Sabai Corner Restaurant. The unusual positioning of Haschai Khaokhem’s body immediately grabbed their attention as his head was found resting on his backpack, with a head-mounted flashlight and a basic pellet rifle lying close by.

Haschai’s body was transported to Vachira Phuket Hospital, where following a post-mortem examination yesterday, May 7, forensic doctors confirmed the presence of a single bullet wound. The bullet path started from under the right armpit and ended in Haschai’s mouth.

Upon receiving the post-mortem results, the police quickly headed for the residence of Chana Chulak, a 47 year old local inhabitant of Khok Tanod Road in Karon. Chana was the last person to see Haschai alive, as they had set out for hunting together on May 4.

Chana confessed to the accidental shooting of Haschai. The incident occurred at around 4am on May 4, when he spotted what he believed to be a mouse deer in the undergrowth. He fired a single shot from his homemade rifle, designed to shoot 12-gauge shotgun cartridges, only to hear his friend Chana cry out, “Brother! I’m hit!”

Chana rushed to his friend’s aid but found Haschai already unconscious. Despite his attempts at performing CPR, he couldn’t revive Haschai. Overwhelmed with fear of the consequences, Chana fled the scene.

Chana remained at his home until the police arrived on May 7. The police searched his residence and Chana showed them the location of his rifle. He also led them to the jungle, where he had discarded the shotgun cartridges from his rifle and the clothes he wore on the day of the shooting, reported The Phuket News.

Chana has been detained at the Karon Police Station for further questioning and legal proceedings.


Original story: Man’s body discovered in Phuket jungle: No signs of foul play

The body of 40 year old man was discovered at the base of a hill by the coastline near Karon View Point, Phuket on the evening of May 5. The authorities were notified of the discovery of the man, Haschai Khaokhem, at approximately 11.30pm.

Upon arrival at the location, which was in the jungle behind the Sabai Corner Restaurant, police found Haschai’s body with his head resting on his backpack. Close by lay a head-mounted flashlight and a simple pellet rifle.

With the assistance of rescue volunteers from the Kusoldharm Foundation and forensic experts from Vachira Phuket Hospital, the police initiated their investigation. The initial examination did not reveal any visible wounds or signs of foul play on Haschai’s body.

The police have speculated that he had died two days before the discovery of his body.

According to Haschai’s girlfriend, he had ventured into the jungle to forage at approximately 4am on May 4. Accompanying him was an individual only known to her as Chana. However, a search was initiated when Haschai failed to return home by Sunday evening. It was Chana who found Khaokhem’s body and informed the authorities.

Haschai’s body was subsequently transported to Vachira Phuket Hospital for a more detailed medical examination, while the police continued their investigation into the cause of his death.

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