HOT: Journalists are confirming Kayode Olanrewaju 3 children belongs to Pastor Tobi Adegboyega who his wife, Dora Ezinne Okoro, allegedly had sex with after DNA test results

Information reaching Kossyderrickent has it that Journalists are confirming Kayode Olanrewaju 3 children belonged to Pastor Tobi Adegboyega who his wife, Dora Ezinne Okoro, allegedly had sex with after DNA test results.

Nigerian international footballer Kayode Olanrewaju could reportedly lose almost everything he worked his entire career for after DNA test reveals that he is not the actual father of the 3 children he thought he had.

The former Manchester City forward claims his wife Dora Ezinne Kayode defrauded him, lied about her age (7 years older than him)and committed adultery with a certain Pastor Tobi Adegboyega.


