Flying cars: A leap from entertainment to necessity

Photo of Kamaljeet Singh

Welcome to the future, where sci-fi fantasies meet reality. Flying cars, once a figment of imagination, are now a tangible concept. But, are they a necessity or simply a form of high-tech entertainment?

In the 70s, daring engineers risked their lives in a bid to make this dream a reality, with catastrophic results. Yet, fast forward to Ridley Scott’s 1982 vision of 2019 Los Angeles, flying cars were as common as their road-bound counterparts.

As we delve into this topic, you’ll discover the thrilling history, the exhilarating possibilities, and the sobering realities of flying cars. So, buckle up and prepare for an exciting journey into the world of airborne automobiles.

Evolution of flying cars

From early concepts to modern prototypes

Flying cars, once existing merely in concepts and daring experiments, have evolved into plausible prototypes in recent years. Engineers in the 1970s bravely tested these concepts despite substantial risks. According to a historical account by Popular Mechanics, one such test flight lasted an hour and ended in an emergency landing owing to low fuel. The serious aftermath included a destroyed car, damaged wings, and an injured pilot. The journey was not smooth, as evidenced by the tragic incident in 1971 when engineers Henry Smolinski and Harold Blake lost their lives during a test flight of a prototype that led to unforeseen smoke emissions, a crash, and an explosion.

Fast forward to present times, transformative technological advancements, such as those seen with the Alef Model A, promise the industry’s growth by 2025, thanks to the approval of the first electric model for test flights by the FAA. It’s quite a leap from the Model T with wings from 106 years ago. However, the execution and maintenance of this technology demand intensively intricate standards, regulations, and protocols governing aircraft safety, noise control, and operational procedures.

Influence of pop culture on flying car perception

The world of pop culture has long been enchanted by the concept of flying cars. In Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner (1982), flying cars dominated Los Angeles in 2019. This boosted the excitement and curiosity around the existence of such futuristic devices, affirming their place in cinematic history. Such portrayals pushed the boundaries of imagination, redefining the public’s perception and heightening their expectations. The 60s saw a boom in flying cars’ representation, starting with Disney’s Absent-Minded Professor.

These cultural representations certainly fuelled the ambition and investment in real-world flying car models. Interestingly, the entertainment value these portrayals provide has positively impacted the research and development process, contributing significantly to generating public interest and funding. Although ‘Flying cars in Thailand’ might not be a commonly seen sight yet, these representations indicate that this isn’t unachievable in the future.

Technological progress and feasibility

Flying cars: A leap from entertainment to necessity | News by Thaiger
The image was generated by Dall-E.

Rapid advancements in technology have nudged flying cars from the realm of science fiction into a vision of reality. Yet, envisioning them as a standard mode of transport comes with its share of feasibility challenges.

Advances in engineering and design

Progress in technology isn’t merely about ‘can we?’ but also about ‘should we?’. We indeed possess the technological capability to create flying cars. Blériot Aéronautique made history in 1915 with their first aero taxicab order. Since then, innovations haven’t stopped. It’s a common sight in cinematic universes like Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner. In this 1982 film set in 2019 Los Angeles, flying cars are as abundant as road cars.

Yet, making it a reality isn’t just about technological advancements. The real challenge lies in design and engineering aspects, addressing safety, convenience, and operational efficiency. A working vehicle that can both fly and drive must seamlessly transition between different operational states, ensuring optimal aerodynamics and ground movement. Current engineering advancements are making strides in this direction.

Safety and regulatory challenges

While we have surmounted main technological obstacles, safety issues persist. Recalling the tragic incident of 1971, when the flying car prototype developed by Henry Smolinski and Harold Blake exploded during a test flight, underscores the importance of safety measures.

Additionally, regulatory challenges are paramount. The introduction of elevated traffic raises certain concerns, as identified by the United Nations in their discussions on urban sustainability. Notably, the introduction of flying cars would significantly affect city infrastructures and cityscapes, creating a need for new regulations and safety measures.

Self-navigating aircraft could become a solution, as pointed out by NASA’s aeronautical engineer, Mark Moore. Yet implementing this feature involves a host of regulatory and safety approvals. Until an autonomous navigation system attains FAA approval, the dream of flying cars could remain a distant reality.

The feasibility of flying cars hinges on a delicate balance between technological advancement, safety measures, and regulatory frameworks. Nevertheless, the wheels of progress are in motion. Our vision of a sci-fi-like future isn’t as far off as we might think.

Practical implications of flying cars

Flying cars: A leap from entertainment to necessity | News by Thaiger
The image was generated by Dall-E.

Impact on urban mobility

In the future, urban air mobility (UAM) can potentially enhance ridesharing capabilities for both urban and intercity transportation. This advanced form of mobility doesn’t only offer a means of transport, it also curbs traffic congestion, particularly in downtown areas of big cities. Moreover, connectivity problems between urban centres and airports can be alleviated greatly by UAM. However, these benefits aren’t achievable without assistance from various regulatory bodies, technological advancements in battery performance for extensive travel, state-of-the-art communication systems, and various safety considerations. Furthermore, infrastructure modifications such as the establishment of vertical ports are crucial for smooth UAM operations.

Environmental and infrastructure considerations

The effectiveness of UAM adoption hinges on several factors, foremost among these being the creation of proper safety protocols and procedures by regulatory authorities. The assurance of relevant monitoring systems for UAM, supportive systems for long-distance travel, better communication systems, and diverse safety standards, all play a significant role in early technology adoption. On the environmental aspect, a more efficient battery system is desired for long-distance travel with minimal environmental impact, this is conditioned on technology leaps. In terms of infrastructure, designing vertical ports adds another layer of complexity to the adaptation of this cutting-edge transportation technology.

Flying cars: necessity or entertainment?

Analysing the need versus desire

Flying cars’ notion has become more than just a whimsical idea from science fiction movies or an impossible daydream. It’s rapidly translating into a practical reality that could revolutionise the transportation industry. From the roots of this concept, traced back to Curtiss’s 1917 attempts, to contemporary prototypes being tested, the duality of need versus desire for these airborne automobiles has become evident. While some evidence suggests that flying cars may seem like a case of technological innovation becoming an entertainment facet, such as their usage in films like Blade Runner and Just Imagine, closer scrutiny argues otherwise.

Various instances highlight the need for these aerial vehicles to become an essential mode of transport. For instance, traffic congestion in areas like the Hsuehshan tunnel and at the Toucheng interchange underscores the requirement for alternative transport avenues, potentially exploiting airspace. With increasing air pollution concerns associated with traffic, the integration of eco-friendly flying cars could act as an ideal solution.

Additionally, the peril of global warming, accelerated by harmful emissions, further reinforces the imperative need for flying cars. With the right technology, flying cars can present a further step towards green, sustainable transport, reducing our ecological footprint.

Future prospects and realistic use cases

Looking ahead, the future holds an array of possibilities for the integration of flying cars into everyday life. However, this future also presents numerous hurdles and realistic expectations that need managing. The idea of flying cars in Thailand, for example, perhaps sounds more entertainment-focused, given the country’s rich tourist industry and picturesque landscapes. These could serve as ideal backdrops for relaxing aerial commutes, becoming an entertainment spectacle in the process.

However, envisage the utility of a flying ambulance in congested urban areas. Or a high-speed, door-to-door aerial taxi service. These not only highlight flying cars’ bird-like prowess but also drive home their merit in providing practical solutions for daily commuting issues, reducing travel time, and circumventing traffic congestion.

Though promising, it’s prudent to consider the risks involved, such as the unfortunate accident in 1971 involving engineers Smolinski and Blake. Safety remains paramount, with factors like weather and lighting conditions having a significant impact on injury severities.

Car accidents can result from speeding, distracted driving, drunk driving, weather conditions, fatigue, tailgating, poor road conditions, running red lights, unsafe lane changes, inexperienced drivers, mechanical failures, animal crossings, wrong-way driving, road rage, drug use, not using seatbelts, underinflated tyres, reckless driving, ignoring traffic signs, and driver inattention. Avoiding these requires adherence to traffic laws, maintaining vehicle health, staying focused, and practising defensive driving.



