Ex-con Brit arrested for fatal punch to Russian in Thailand

Photo courtesy of KhaoSod English

The British man who punched a Russian businessman, resulting in his death, over sexual advances on his teenage daughter had been previously imprisoned for drug offences. He has recently been arrested for the fatal assault.

The businessman allegedly propositioned the Welshman’s 15 year old daughter during a pool party in Pattaya.

The 34 year old Welshman, known locally as Flash Harry, relocated to the notorious resort city six months ago, seeking a fresh start after a cocaine conviction in 2017 and a strained relationship with his family back in Wales. His new life, however, soon turned sour as he found himself pleading for financial aid from the very family he’d left behind, said a relative who wished to remain anonymous.

“We’re well aware of his arrest but he’s on his own. He’s burnt all his bridges here.”

Family members also expressed confusion over the presence of a wife or daughter in Thailand, considering his only known daughter resides in South Wales.

Before his Thai adventure, the man rented a pebble-dashed terrace in Merthyr Tydfil, where his brash behaviour and disregard for his neighbours’ convenience earned him little love, said a neighbour.

“I stayed well clear of him but there were a few shouting matches with the [other] neighbours. He lived there on his own but you would occasionally see girls going back and forth.

“I knew he’d gone to Thailand about six months ago. It’s a shock to hear what’s happened out there.”

The controversy escalated during a party in Viewpoint Village, where the Russian, 36 year old Igor Yasilyev, allegedly began to flirt with the Welshman’s daughter. Infuriated, the Brit lashed out, delivering a punch that sent Yasilyev stumbling backwards onto the tiled floor. Despite immediate medical attention, Yasilyev succumbed to his injuries soon after in Pattaya Hospital, reported the Daily Mail.

The Welshman, now under arrest, expressed regret over his actions.

“I did not think my punch would lead to the man’s death.”

His wife corroborated the harassment.

“The Russian man started to sexually harass our daughter… this angered my husband so he punched him once and knocked him out.”

UPDATE: Brit’s fatal punch kills Russian, after sexual advances on daughter

A Russian party attendee at a Pattaya pool villa met his demise after being on the receiving end of a fatal punch from a British man, following his alleged unwarranted sexual advances on the man’s daughter. The incident unfolded in the early hours of yesterday, sending shockwaves through the community and prompting swift police action.

The altercation occurred at a village in Bang Lamung District, Chon Buri, around 2.50am when 36 year old national, Igor was struck by the British man during the gathering, ultimately causing him to fall and hit his head on the floor, sustaining life-threatening injuries.

Despite efforts by medical personnel, Igor’s condition deteriorated rapidly during his transport to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital, and he was pronounced dead upon arrival.

Following the tragic incident, law enforcement officials swiftly moved to identify and apprehend the suspect.

At 1pm on the same day, the Superintendent of the Pattaya City Police Station, Police Lieutenant Colonel Nawin Thirawit, directed investigators to seek an arrest warrant from the Pattaya Provincial Court for the 35 year old Briton, Ricki.

The warrant was swiftly issued, and police arrested him on charges of assaulting another person, causing death.

Quickly apprehended

Ricki was apprehended at a guest house in Sattahip District, Chon Buri, approximately 10 kilometres from the site of the incident. He was promptly transported to the Pattaya City Police Station for questioning and further legal proceedings.

The 28 year old Thai spouse of Ricki, Mod provided crucial context into the events leading up to the tragic altercation.

According to her account, her husband had invited her to join a group of friends at the pool villa, where the party was underway. However, she had to leave early due to work obligations, leaving her husband behind.

Upon receiving a distressing message from her husband around 3am wishing to return home, Mod rushed back to the villa, only to find him wandering in the middle of the street.

She relayed her husband’s version of events to authorities, indicating that Igor had allegedly made inappropriate advances towards their daughter during the gathering, despite the presence of his spouse.

Reportedly, Igor’s actions escalated to the point of sexual harassment directed at their daughter, which incited Ricki’s violent response.

Shrouded in anger, he delivered a single blow to Igor, with the fatal punch inadvertently leading to the unexpected death of Igor.

Ricki, while admitting to his actions, expressed remorse and stated that he had not anticipated the tragic consequences, reported Khaosod.

As investigations continue into this harrowing incident, it stands as a sobering reminder of the potential consequences of unchecked altercations, even within the seemingly carefree atmosphere of social gatherings.

ORIGINAL STORY: Russian man critical after assault at Chon Buri pool villa party

A 36 year old Russian man is in critical condition after being assaulted at a pool villa party in Chon Buri yesterday. The incident occurred early at a villa in Nong Prue, Bang Lamung. The suspect fled amid the chaos following the attack.

Deputy Inspector at Pattaya City Police Station, Pansan Krongsith led the team to the scene after responding to an emergency call at 3.16am.

Upon arrival, they found four foreign men and two women. The injured man was found unconscious on the floor, having suffered a severe head injury. First responders provided initial medical aid, performing CPR before rushing him to the hospital.

The group had just met that day and decided to have a party at the pool villa. According to 22 year old Piyada, a friend of the injured man, the victim and the attacker had never met before.

They were all drinking together when a conversation quickly turned into a heated argument. The attacker, whose exact nationality remains unknown, stood up and delivered a fatal punch to the victim, causing him to fall and hit his head on the floor, Piyada said.

“Everyone was shocked and tried to help him. Once we gathered our thoughts, we immediately called for assistance.”

The attacker had taken advantage of the ensuing confusion after the assault and took his queue to flee the scene.

Pansan quickly issued a radio alert to capture the suspect based on eyewitness descriptions. The investigation team from the Pattaya City Police Station is gathering evidence from surveillance cameras in the vicinity and along the suspect’s escape route to bring them to justice, reported Pattaya News.

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