BANNED VIDEO: Outrage from conservatives as Google censored Anti-Biden ad supporting Donald Trump by Make America Great Again Inc company

Information reaching Kossyderrickent has it that Outrage from conservatives as Google censored Anti-Biden ad supporting Donald Trump by Make America Great Again Inc company. 

The ad reportedly sought to reach black voters, with whom Biden is struggling recent polling, in rural Georgia.
The ad depicts a woman working for the Biden campaign getting rejected by a voter when trying to see if he is willing to vote again for Biden.

Reporter Andrew Arenge posted screenshots of the ad being removed for a “policy violation” on the tech giant’s search results.  

According to Arenge, a reporter for NBC News, Google removed the advertisement for the vague justification of a “policy violation.” On Friday the advertisement was live in the Google archive but has since been removed.  

The voter highlights Biden’s incentives for illegal aliens and inflation as two major reasons he is now voting for Trump.


