ALCOHOL PHOTO: Edwin Sifuna drinking 2 Tusker lager beer as bottles are seen on table in beer parlour

Information reaching Kossyderrickent has it that Edwin Sifuna drinking 2 Tusker lager beer as bottles are seen on table in beer parlour.

Taking to social media, Edwin Sifuna, shared a picture of him enjoying some chilled Tusker beers at a restaurant or beer parlor joint in Nairobi. 

The picture has gone viral on social media in Kenya and it has caused stirs. 

A Kenyan man wrote: “Anybody in Kenya who is defending this public eyesore photo of the senator of Nairobi,Edwin Sifuna @edwinsifuna binge drinking alcohol, is an alcohol addict .
-Alcohol addicts will defend Alcoholism with all their energy.
-Bad manners Mr.Sifuna. 
-Public officer should not promote,market Alcoholism in this country ,where drug abuse is a public health crisis.”


